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It was definitely a date

by Niamhy79 September 6, 2021


Dick At The End

She came back to my place after the movie for a DATE

by Poseidon_lover August 25, 2022


A date is something you do with a boyfriend or girlfriend. It can be really fun to go on a date but it can also not be.

If it goes well, you could get a wife if it does not go well, ummmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm..................... I would say just play with your friend and drink some beer and wine when you're at it. Or try to beg her to stay with you... you know what forget bout that, Dates slow you down in life so don't do them!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! This word is useless you should never use it at all!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Never go on a date with me!!!!

by Kaingus sky May 14, 2021


When you go on an adventure with this cute girl named Julia only In search of chapstick and definitely not a romantic relationship at all

So after our date I took the fattest nap of my life and then went to study chem with some friends

by DefinitelyNotDedrin! December 18, 2022


Something I will never experience in my sad pathetic life.

My friend: Hey bro did you get a date to prom?
Me: No and I will never get one in my sad pathetic life.

by VezinaIgor31 September 22, 2022


Dick at the end

Yes bro we going on a date you know she gonna get the dick at the end

by Shaay_ December 27, 2021


Required quality time prior to sex

You're so hot, I'd love to take you on a date.

by ITExec September 15, 2020