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you must have a lot of free time

A phrase which should be used toward someone who has nothing better to do with the time they have off from school, work, etc.

Ronald: I submit a new word to the Urban Dictionary editors EVERYDAY

J: Wow you must have a lot of free time

Ronald: Yeah I do. Thanks!

J: You don´t get it, do you?

Ronald:What do you mean?


by I´mYoPopsSoListenUp February 20, 2012

6👍 5👎

I seem to have done a toilet on the floor

What you say when you just had an accident.

"Dude, I seem to have done a toilet on the floor."
"Dude, clean it up, that is gross."

by Soiled Undergarment August 16, 2003

29👍 40👎

i have chicken nuggs in my anus

what someone says if they were smuggling chicken nuggets.

TSA: why do you have 67 chicken nuggets in your asshole

brian: i have chicken nuggs in my anus lol

by fat sealandish fish March 16, 2023

Do You Have to go to college to be an emojiologist?

No. Emojiology Is a extremely simple career for teenagers. The requirements to be a Emojiologist is too start posting emojis on Instagram as a teenager and then keep posting them until you make a $1 Million Dollars.

Do You Have to go to college to be an Emojiologist?

by Jkr Moji September 9, 2020

Do you have games on your phone

Something said by little children, mostly relatives, to annoy you.

Little timmy: do you have games on your phone?

Person: *Slaps the child*

by Lazyfemale August 11, 2023

I don't have many fucks left

I don't have many fucks left is When you really are on ur last nerve before SOMEONE SETS U TO THE DEEP END

I'm really starting to get to the point where I don't have many fucks left to give anymore because you're taking advantage of our friendship

by Faithmoriahfaith October 6, 2018

But Sir, what big balls you have!

What Little Red Riding Hood said when she went to visit someone like Sean Lawless or Joey from "Jenny 'n' Joey".

Rather than her being startled and confused at seeing da disguised Wolf occupying her gramma's bed, I imagine dat our favorite crimson-headwear-clad fairytale-character would have been totally delighted when she said, "But Sir, what big balls you have!", since it would have meant dat she would have good times not only fondling said jumbo heavy testicles, but also feeling the extra-large load of warm thick sperm that said oversize genitals could probably produce shooting either into her mouth or up inside of her.

by QuacksO April 15, 2023