June 26 Whoever born on this date is beyond a shadow of a doubt is the most intelligent and attractive and hottest and sexiest and extremely drop dead bloody gorgeous GODSENT FEMALE on the planet you know someone born on this date you better hurry up and girlfriend her up because all men are so over obsessed with her big time
That girl that just walked in i just fainted by looking at her she must be born on June 26!!!
Mihaela: Do you know what day is today ?
Mihai: It’s June 26. Why?
Mihaela:Because today was born that one girl that has a 40 inch dick.
Mihai: Yeah, Petruța!
Tell your bestie kaitlyn happy birthday the most beautiful person is born and they are always horny
Bad bitch is born
June 26 the hottest person is born
Interracial galaxy day of a dick pick.
Ziua internațională de îmbrățișări lungi. De la 5 minute la 10. Tu alegi.
Acum du te și îmbrățișează persoanele dragi ție. 💘
X:Vino sa te sufoc putin
Y:De ce?
X:Pentru ca e 29 june