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by litz69696969 November 1, 2020


A complete and utter gaybo.

Hey bro, don't be such a Matt

by Mattispooncey July 30, 2021


a dude that can master ajatt and make a own method and can speak japanese fluently less than 1 year, he is arrogant af but he becomes a more humble man later on and gives good advices that you cannot tempt to resist.

guy 1 : yo wanna learn a language
guy 2 : yes
guy 1: you should check on matt he is a lifesaver
guy 2: ok

by superweeaboo3000 July 17, 2020


That one transgender person that was once a dude and has like crazy knowledge on naval history.

Chad: Yo! Matt! Which naval admiral took a shit on March 3, 1934?

Matt: Uh... Vice Admiral Freaky McShit did that. It was a long 6 hour dump as well.

Chad: What da hell...

by PizzaGuy2711 December 26, 2024


Less famous than his son

Matt's such a big boy

by TKerslake November 23, 2021


its gust Jewish Matt

Hey who that Jewish dude, oh it's just Matt

by oofergangboy January 18, 2019


A short stubborn fagtard

Matt, Your fired

by BurritoSlayer84 November 29, 2021