Source Code

much music

The only decent channel playing in Canada for ppl with basic 50-some channel cable. The place where we deposit our valuable brain cells. Home of mega hot Vj Leah Miller and 'smooth operator' Matte Babel. Represents pretty acurately what today's Canadain youth are into, but really misses the point other times. Usualy entertaining, but slowly moving furthur and furthur away from 'family friendly content' in favour for crude and offensive humour (chough-chough-videoontrial-hack). Canada's #1 celebrity and Hollywood connection.

Without Much Music, my TV would consist of, uh, the Food Network, or Home and Garden TV, or Maybe... The Bussiness News (woot)!

by Adrian December 17, 2006

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Country Music

The amazing genre of all music where the singers (most of them) express there feelings into there singing and makes me and other people smile and happy to allow the singer to add in little notes to express who they are and what they are like.

Country music is awesome hahaha!

by ThePersonWhoLovesYou May 13, 2015

7๐Ÿ‘ 15๐Ÿ‘Ž

Coke Music

Where ppl with no life create a little cartoon person and go to places to play their osngs if they can get in. Ppl with no life can go to meet other ppl with no life and make friends. But it is overall a site for ppl with no life whatsoever.WARNING: DO NOT GO ON UNLESS YOU A NERDDEXTER WITHOUT A LIFE!

Katey:Do you go on coke music?!?
Katey: Wow, that just proves you have no life.

by georgton December 3, 2004

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Today's Music

A common rant by internet users who bitch and whine about how today's music is 'shitty'. They fail to understand that everyone's music taste is different, and that it's another fashion. The phrase 'today's music' is commonly used by middle-aged people, but the younger generations also bitch and whine.

"I can't believe this is today's music! What happened to 80s music? Or (insert dead musician here)?! I can't stand this shit, even though I can just listen to my own music on youtube videos and download them, but I wanna bitch and whine because I'm old.

I can't believe a black man's president!!"

by IReallyWantAPineapple March 9, 2010

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musical orgasum

when music makes you want to cum

other words are:
mugazum. mugazmic. mujaculation.

that song produced muliple musical orgasums in my pants

by Gabe1day December 3, 2007

4๐Ÿ‘ 7๐Ÿ‘Ž

Music Videos

pornography cleverly disguised as music

that music videos for fergalicious was like porn....but with some music in the background

by ninos estamos en mis pantalones November 30, 2006

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Music teachers

A music teacher is many things, most common is a boring 25-900 year old who has an intrest in classical music and thinks electric guitars/bass are satanic. they can also have a big attitude problem and can be sometimes quite pathetic. spesh if you go to william brookes school.

"music Teachers", what instroment do you play?

"you", electric guitar (or bass).

"teacher", (angrey look thinking that you are a wannabe and are a discrase to your instroment) that is not aproprate.

"you" why?

"teacher", respect my atharaty(throwing table to the other side of the room).

by flkghjflgkhj February 24, 2009

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