Source Code

word is bond

meaning to be real,the truth,to be truthful,no doubt in waht's being said, heard, seen.,it's real

jay: Yo Larry Guess What?
Larry: What?
Jay: I was accepted to FDU

Larry: Word is bond?(for real)(truthfully)

Jay: Word!(for real)

by Tigermonchie November 9, 2006

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Microsoft word

gay as fuck microsoft application which is easy to make and fucking rips everyone off with a piece of fucking paper

fuck microsoft word is gay

by RUPERRRRRRTTTTTT September 14, 2017

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word dojo

a popular touch screen game where you must make 3-12 letter words with letters that fall onto the screen. found in most bars and some coffee shops. extremely addictive and often called "crack touch" or "crack quaters" since it only costs a quarter per game.

"what has Kate been up to lately?"
"I dont know, i heard she is trying to get the highest score on word dojo"

by Ingabear January 13, 2008

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Word on the Facebook is

Referring to Facebook about what was said about a significant other.

Word on the Facebook is you are still single

by MrCuddly November 10, 2010

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yo word

This phrase is used to agree with someone in a chill way ( girls love it when used correctly)

Talia: coconut water is super good
Joey: yo word
*they proceed to make out

by dube E monkey September 8, 2016

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d word

Another way of saying die, dying or dead without twitter suspending your account or other social media platforms censoring your comment or post. Social media moderators takes everything you say literally. Unless you’re using the word in an informative way, twitter will see it as a threat, harassment or bullying. So even if you meant to tell your friend to die as a joke, when that tweet is reported, twitter support will see it as an actual threat. This often results in twitter either taking down your posts, limiting your account functions or simply permanently banning your account. This abbreviation is now being used across all social media platforms. Many have naturally included the term in their normal vocabulary. Unfortunately, twitter seems to have figured it out and can easily figure out what you mean with context, but it’s better to be safe than sorry.

Twitter user A: What the hell bitch isn’t it hot today?

Twitter user B: Yes omg, I feel like i’m going to d word at any moment. Fuck summer! Winter is superior.

Twitter user A: Purr

by loonatheworld November 24, 2021

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The act of calling someone or one's self the N word. Most of the time with a hard R.

Hey look at that long necked Greg-word over there. He chokes on his toothbrush I bet.

by The boss bros July 9, 2022

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