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hard copy status

The need to buy the physical form of content that is available in digital form.

I read the book Ready Player One on my Kindle and had to buy the dead tree version afterwards, it totally achieved hard copy status.

by devidos2600 December 2, 2012

cold hard bitch

Simply, a cold tough woman, especially one who leads men on, have their fun and then ditch them. Also, it's the title of a 2004 hit by the band Jet, which hails from Down Under.

Ami keeps leading Keith on, they're both blitzed, but she's gonna get all she can from him and then drop him like a rock. She's a cold hard bitch.

by I Saw U2 Live Twice September 21, 2007

42๐Ÿ‘ 20๐Ÿ‘Ž

going hard in the paint

the act of not letting anything stand in your way.

Willie is going hard in the paint on that english test.

by bigblue101 December 3, 2010

109๐Ÿ‘ 63๐Ÿ‘Ž

Hide Your Hard-On

A phrase used scornfully & contemptuously to someone who keeps making their interest in a subject or person especially apparent.

Can be - and often is - shortened to HYH.

Guy: Atsuko is so hot! Have you seen her new character designs? They're really hot. Don't you think Atsuko is the most hot? She is. She's the hottest, Atsuko.

James (rolls eyes): Hide your hard-on, mate.

Guy: Don't you guys love Sakura Wars? It's so cool.

James: Yeah...it's OK. We were actually just discussing British escapes from Colditz.

Guy: Oh my god! That's EXACTLY like Sakura Wars! Did you know that-

James: HYH.

by Lunettarose July 4, 2010

22๐Ÿ‘ 10๐Ÿ‘Ž


The greatest county vacation package ever as this twenty-four-month free stay will have you wishing you had gone to the federal fudge packing pen. (FPP) A Domestic battery or assault with intent could buy you this package or any assortment of violent activities including but not limited to mugging and deadly weapons charges. Yes, we pulled out all the stops and made sure the entertainment would be brutal for those looking for a great time. Again this advertisement was paid for by the Blackfoot Redneck Holy Okie Leprechaun spirit travel agency. Terms and conditions apply and it is not void anywhere on earth.

Blessings, respect, and love to all without prejudice

Bill: Hey Jeff your ex-girlfriend's new guy had his sentence upgraded to a Hard-Two-Dozen
Jeff: wow I didn't like the guy but would not wish that on anyone. what happened?

Bill: rumor has it all he did was blasphemed the name of the leprechaun
Jeff: WOW I am glad I don't know his real name now.
Bill: he doesn't mind anyone making fun of all those character names.
Jeff: Lord Bud is quite a character

by Spiritual-Master February 1, 2022

8๐Ÿ‘ 2๐Ÿ‘Ž

blows so hard

something that sucks so freakin much that it blows

"Waking up at 8:00 am blows so hard!"

by Pimpin' Biatch Master Mixa November 13, 2007

15๐Ÿ‘ 5๐Ÿ‘Ž

Hard Pass

A Hard Pass is a consensual conjugal visit at a correctional facility between non-married or non-committed consenting adults who previously have little or no contact with each other. The hard pass is initiated by the non-incarerated party, typically drawn in by a picture of the jailed person.

When Brad saw the new story that Christina had been arrested trying to shoplift a bottle of whiskey, he went up to the jail and made a HARD PASS. A good time was had by all. It is different from being SHAWSHANKED because - one party is not in jail, and both parties are consenting adults.

by Mile High Smitty March 9, 2015

34๐Ÿ‘ 435๐Ÿ‘Ž