Aka chipotle the restaurant
Typically people named Yasmín, Montana, Victoria, and Caleb work there
Hey jorgie, should we go to chip?🤔 I’m hungry
A chip is someone who looks stupid is acting stupid or is just annoying. They often have buck teeth a short haircut or smell bad. A chip can also be used in a good way if someone tells a funny joke it would make them chippy
Shut up you big chip. Or. Ya chip that was funny.
Someone that is a dumbass, and gets high on highlighters with no future in life.
when someone is doing acts of a chip; or being a chippington
Ryan stopped for food at white castle, he’s chips fr
In nothern Norway this term is used a lot. Chips is a word which defines a random action or saying.
*two people talk about cars and someone interups* and says "have you seen the new avatar movie?"
then the two people can respond "bro, that's chips.