A Female Person That Has Big Tits And A Fat Ass. They Attract So Many Men Like The Men Is The Metal And The Women Is The Magnet. They Just Want To Marry You And Do Sex With You. Its Too Personal.
Jimmy Never Trust A Woman Again. They Want To Lure Men In Their Trap. To Kiss And Marry And Do Sex. You Don't Want To Live Like That.
A quality or state of being womanly, which originate from one’s mind due to a complex neuroendocrine process that usually, but not exclusively, corresponds to the genetic features of having the xx chromosome.
Matt: Woman is a biological state.
Lawrance: No Matt, female is a biological state. Womanhood is a mental state.
A quality or state of being womanly, which originate from one’s mind due to a complex neuroendocrine process that usually, but not exclusively, corresponds to the genetic features of having the xx chromosome.
Matt: Womanhood is a biological state!
Lawrance: No, Matt! Being female is a biological state. Womanhood is a mental state which may or ,in rare cases, may not correspond to the biological state.
Matt: So you’re telling me that trans-women are women too!
Lawrance: Yes.
You know, I’ll never understand the other half.
Person 1: “Hey, who’s that woman over there?”
Person 2: “Yeah, that’s Katie. I don’t understand her, she is so cryptic.”
Person 1: “I guess we’ll never understand women.”
better than a man
better gender
can do anything
that woman deserves the world she is such a hard worker she really proves women are the best