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Taco Bell Squirt Gun

When you have any cheap mexican food, and have uncontrollable raging diarrhea squirts.

I thought I could handle a 6 taco combo, but my taco bell squirt gun later that night proved me wrong.

by Kerplah July 9, 2014

gunning em down

Staring intently at a person, with or without their knowledge, while feverishly masterbating.

The girls across the street enjoyed a nude slip n slide while Joe and his frat brothers were gunning em down from the window of their fraternity house.

by Not Thomas K. January 3, 2018

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Little Toy Gun

Song by honeyhoney, toy gun seems to be an innuendo for the sexual genitalia of a woman

Guy: Dude, have you heard that song Little Toy Gun by honeyhoney?

Girl: Yeah, i love songs about my cunt!

by jacob pitt November 21, 2008

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Gun-Bunny Handler

Term used to describe the male partner of a Gun-Bunny. This person typically pushes his female counterpart to take seductive photos with firearms (see GUN-BUNNY definition). The handlers typically view themselves as being part of the "industry" but in actuality they are overbearing attention whores that were unable to obtain substantial "likes" on their own.

Example: "I heard he is just a gun-bunny handler for Nicole because he wanted to seem important"

by Menofarms December 20, 2017

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Ur son a gun

Worse than everything from ur mom gay to ur sister a mister!

Joe: I hate you Josh
Josh: Ur mom gay!
Joe: Ur dad lesbian!
Josh: ur Grandpap a trap!
Joe: Oh god how could you...
Josh: Ur son a gun
Joe: *Blows up like a nuclear bomb that destroys the whole universe*

by UrFuckingMomGay May 30, 2018

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Hot glue gun

When your girl gives you head and holds the cum in her mouth then comes up and gives you a kiss and spits your cum in your mouth

Dude Kyle's girl gave him a hot glue gun last night

by Tracksuit June 26, 2022

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thompson (aka tommy gun)

Thompson .45 calibre Sub-machine gun.30 or 50 rounds in a magazine. Mostly used in the 30's to da 50's.
Used by gangstas in the US in 30's
Used by the army during world war 2
Used by various countries in the 50's
Also known as Tommy-gun
*many people were stupid enuf to say that the Thompson Sub machine gun belongs to the machine gun category they are 100% pure dumbasses*

Al Capone used da thompson and gunned down some policemen for fun.

by G.A.N.G.S.T.A.S. March 10, 2005

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