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A great friend or a over rated person

Oh that’s one hot ginger

by Yepsir😹😻🤛👻 April 4, 2018


The bigges red flag out there, their hair is literally red what else is a bigger red flag

That guy is ginger, thats a red flag

by Man-spider16 December 30, 2022


Pussy eating twat

HOLY did you see Ginger with that girl yesterday?

by Eduardo L'oeuf August 1, 2023


An individual who thinks V6 Mustangs are fast

That ginger said he could be me straight up

by nascar_fanatic October 22, 2019



when a ginger drinks way to much gin

by Something711 November 26, 2019


A term used by fagtards to describe a friend or person of interest when sombody has a red or orange tint of hair color l lf any degree

Haha look at that ginger over there

by Garfieldo June 18, 2022


A red-headed piece of shit/ a carrot with no soul

Look at that ginger over there. We are safe, I have garlic

by BitchSlayer108 January 4, 2024