When a sloppy blow job leaves stains on clothes that remain unwashed for months until somebody else spots them out.
Playing at the office is all good, but don't you go lewinsky on me and hand over your pants to the republicans next month, you hear me, boi?
When you catch sperm in your hand and shout "go spidey" as you throw the sperm in your partners face
I did a go spidey on my dad last night... I'm now homeless
a word i heard people say in South Carolina meaning to take a shower or get cleaned up
yall smell that?, somebody need to go wash
the act of becoming aggressive with inanimate objects.
"He's going schieler", I yelled, as I watched my friend Bill kick the sh%t out of the vending machine over a pack of peanut M&Ms.
Who or what's that?
Trey saw something shiny on the floor and he said "Dat go?"
When you barely sleep and fuck up your sleep schedule so much that you go to sleep at 10am.
"I am going Monika this vacation."
someone who goes the extra mile; i.e. an over-achiever. can also be spelt go-heart. stems from the term 'go-hard' which essentially means the same thing, but this is the mutated form of that word.
don't be such a go-hart
he's a real go-hart, he got like 99% on his test and was so pissed off