Source Code

Black Ops Cold War

A Overhyped cod that is most likely gonna be shit. And is a reboot of the black ops series because they have no ideas and are trying to copy modern warfare 2019

Daniel: Bro it's just the same shit different year when it comes to Multiplayer. Why are you hyped
Bob: Because it's gonna be like the good old cod daaaayssss
Daniel: Not gonna happen. Also I bet you're gonna end up hating the game after a week like MW 2019.
Bob: Stfu

by xdgamerman420 September 21, 2020

18๐Ÿ‘ 21๐Ÿ‘Ž

Fuck me in the ass cold

The state in which the outside temperature falls below negative 15 degrees Fahrenheit, usually with a windchill. It is when, regardless of previous sexual preference, one wishes to be fucked in the ass for no other reason than the warmth it would provide.

Rick: How cold was it when you took the dog out this morning?
Yolanda: It was Fuck me in the ass cold outside! Haven't you seen the weather Ricky?

by Ricky Style February 20, 2007

14๐Ÿ‘ 16๐Ÿ‘Ž

Italian Cold Head

To bitch slap someone upside the head with a frozen pizza.

person 1: "Never wanted to bitch slap my kid upside the head with a frozen pizza as bad as I did that day."

person 2: "Do you mean you wanted to 'italian cold head' your kid?"

by imagine dragon dietz spheres March 24, 2022

1๐Ÿ‘ 4๐Ÿ‘Ž

cold, dead hand

From a poem written by an anonymous Quaker woman (circa 1911) as a means to thank church members who had given their time to handing out Gospel tracts. What an historical contradiction, that the NRA should have (unknowingly?) chosen these same words for their own gospel!

"The giver is greater than any man
That ever drew sword in war;
I reckon him nobler than king or khan,
Nobler and better far.
For wisest is he in this whole broad land
Of hoarding till bent and grey;
For all we can hold in our cold, dead hand
Is what we have given away"

California Yearly Meeting of Friends (1911)

by ReindeerBoy December 19, 2009

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Cold Clammy man tits

Man boobies that sweat underneath when they get cold.

Ie: When you lift up your man boobs and feel it. Amazing like gross vagina or fromunda cheese.Cold clammy man tits.

by Cesar the awesome September 24, 2008

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Cracking open a cold one


She was was so drunk I felt like I was cracking open a cold one.

by malparit September 1, 2009

10๐Ÿ‘ 12๐Ÿ‘Ž

Lumpy Gravy, cold soup

Shit gravy that your friend made and poured on her shitty mash potato and sweed, and also opens up a can of soup and grates cheese and puts butter in the soup and eats it cold, then finally she gets decimated by Prison warden BIG BOI BILL and his massive cannon while contemplating whether your accident was your fault and if you require compensation

Lumpy Gravy, cold soup...no

by KingKrabKok July 17, 2018