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she’s usually very pretty falls for a boy named gregory and has a close friend of the name ikem that is almost like a borther to her

emma loves greg

by namesgreg November 21, 2021


A happy girl. There’s points where she gets upset and doesn’t talk to people, but otherwise very happy and funny. She’s ambitious, lives on the wild side, and likes to adventure. She has a large heart but can also live on her own. She’s independent and a big Ambivert.

“Emma seems like she has two different personalities bro”
I know right!?”

by Yoitsmeithink March 16, 2019


Emma is an amazing friends and she is beautiful and will always be there for you and she has huge heart

emma is so nice to me and so cute i think i might like her

by mike oxlong08 December 1, 2021


Kaidens Girlfriend for ever!

Emma Is Kaidens Girlfriend For Life.

by emma&kaiden May 5, 2021


a selfish bitch that only cares about herself

person 1: hey my parents found out i snuck out last night. who do you think told them?
person 2: emma told them for sure. she’s a total snitch

by baddest.bitchhh May 30, 2020


She is very nice and kind girl. she loves uvogin, hes her favorite. Whenever you see an emma billek out in public make sure to get her autograph, because its likely shes the most famous person you will ever meet. Meeting an emma billek is very rare, as there is only one that exists currently. Make sure to keep your eye out of one because if you dont then you might miss a once in a lifetime experience. Shes just a sweetheart and loves men named henry. Henrys better watch out, shes coming for you (also in a literal sense). If you fit the following description, you might have a chance with an emma billek.

-Over 8 ft
-2x her age (minimum)
-dark skinned
- Sideburns
- A mass murderer

- Part of a gang

-Tramp stamp

Dude 1: Whoa, who is that hot chick with red hair over there?!?
Dude 2: Oh my god, i think thats an emma billek!

Dude 1 : Woah, we gotta go get her number

by leoriopaladinight March 15, 2023



emma stinky

by emmastinky123 November 6, 2020