Holy shid is a care, thought provoking, matchmaking
Do you follow holy shid? If not you are missing out
"This term is employed when one encounters an exceptionally captivating individual, colloquially referred to as an 'amoi gyatt.' Its origins are attributed to the linguistic innovations of the Khans brothers."
Holy Shyat look at that amoi over there
The Greatest Porno movie of all time, starring Seymore Dicksinhole and Mary Jane.
Guy: I heard the new Holly Yabbo's movie is coming out!
Guy2: Yeah, nigga Holy Yaboo's V: Return of the Grundle!
A sentence to express your surprise about a situation or something somebody told you.
Friend:"dude I just won the lottery yesterday!"
Me: "Holy guac, no freaking way ma boy."
One of the many weapons in the 2015 game Bloodborne, Ludwig's Holy Blade is one of the best weapons in the game. At its base the sword is a standard broad sword with a charged attack that does thrust damage (one of the many damage types, thrust gives a heavy damage buff when fighting enemies that are under the "kin" type). When tricked (hitting the L1 button tricks a weapon giving it a second form to use) the Holy Blade becomes a great sword using its sheath as the new blade. As a great sword the attacks are slower and cost more stamina to do, but cause much more damage. The tricked charge attack also does thrust damage. The sword can use paper (usable item that can give a weapon the fire, lightning, or arcane damage type for a short time) in both forms. Attained by purchasing it from the shop after getting the Radiant Sword Hunter badge item from the Healing Church Workshop area in the Cathedral Ward area. You need to beat the boss of the area old Yharnam (Blood Starved Beast) to enter the Healing Church Workshop.
Bloodborne Player 1: I am having a hard time beating Rom the Vacuous Spider, what should I do?
Bloodborne Player 2: Use Ludwig's Holy Blade and lightning paper as Rom is kin type and will take massive damage from charged attacks.
Any of a group of churches emphasizing holiness, purity, and sanctification as a result of being filled with the holy spirit in a non-fundamentalistic manner.
The Wesleyan and the Nazarene are both members of a holiness church