Source Code

Jim Jones

He encouraged people in his cult to report on each other and nobody questioned him, they thought it was the right thing to do.

Jim Jones convinced everyone that he was saving them.

by The Original Agahnim December 22, 2021

Dirty Jones

When a big tough guy chases down a short weak guy and beats him until shit runs down his pants and then the big tough guy wipes shit on his face, resulting in a shit mustache. Then they shit into the weak guys mouth.

It is also a variation of The Dirty Sanchez.

I gave that motherfucker a Dirty Jones.

by Asperger John July 3, 2020

Dirty Jones

First, start off in a hotel room with 4 guys in the middle of a small town in the United States. Once you feel that urge, you know the dirty jones is coming. Start by locking the door, then slowly make your way to the toilet. Take a shit, then DO NOT wipe. While the shit is leaving your anal cavity, start jerking off. Once you finish, clean yourself in the shower excluding the lower half. Don’t dry your now wet and slimy body and place yourself back upon the toilet. Once seated, proceed to hustle out another shit. Towards the end of the shit, whip out your now sensitive cock and finish what you started by elongating your penis from 3-4 inches.

That sick human just ripped a Dirty Jones in the bathroom.

by BayStBroker July 21, 2024

sage jones

A very pretty girl and nice with a huge ass. But her chest is almost completely flat because more often than not she cheerleader or dances.

Sage jones is such a all rounded person except for her boobs.

by Head @$$ February 17, 2018

Osmosis Jones

Haha funny blood cell movie

Why are the white blood cells blue colored tho ;-; Mf looks like elemental water dude

osmosis Jones is a movie made by Warner Bros in 2001 and it is one of the best movies ever. Osmosis Jones also has a series called "ozzy&drix" and it's an absolute damn feverdream

by ItsTheNatShack August 18, 2023

Willi Jones

A absolute tank of a nigga

You know Willi Jones, he's a tank of a nigga

by Willi Jones October 31, 2019