cea mai frumoasa inteligenta si silitoare fata lqzr1 s a nascut pe data asta pup
how pretty she is, she must have been born on 23th of july 2006
This date is superior, people born on this date are intelligent, smart, handsome and good at sex. They have the best possible zodiac sign and that is cancer. Which means they are only compatible with other cancers that are preferably born 2 days before, July 17th. Of course July 17th is not a bad date but it cannot be compared to July 19th.
19 july best day
This date is superior, people born on this date are intelligent, smart, handsome and good at sex. They have the best possible zodiac sign and that is cancer. Which means they are only compatible with other cancers that are preferably born 2 days before, July 17th. Of course July 17th is not a bad date but it cannot be compared to July 19th.
July 1st National post your crush day
the day that bernice was born on
bernice: me and ringo star share a birthday
person: what’s ur birthday?
bernice: july 7 2004
24 July is a worldwide furry day. During this day, every single person on the Earth becomes a furry immediately. No exceptions.
Mark: Hey, it's 24 July, in other words worldwide furry day.
Steve: Oh, really? Well, guess I'll go watch some Reggie.
Mark: Hold up, let me wear my furry costume first.
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Julie Maria is an amazing secret keeper you can tell her anything. She is no nonsense and doesn't like gossip. She is an amazing loyal friend. Julie Maria has a conscious and always tries to do what's best because it hurts her heart to be anything less than kind. She believes in Jesus Christ and is forever grateful to the Father for the Son n Spirit. She loves her other dearly and unconditionally and can't imagine life without her. She's a hard worker and loves and appreciates her Boss and Company. She will go the extra mile to please people. She loves to smile and you will find her doing this all to often 😀. She thinks smiles are contagious and infectious and promote happiness !!!!
Julie Maria is a good person to be friends with just don't mess it up !!!