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Five finger fillet

When the boy can fit all for of his finger and thumb into the woman's vagina.

"I gave that chick a good five finger fillet"

by Parkerboi April 10, 2015

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five year plan

When the girlfriend (or boyfriend) in a relationship desires to be with their partner for an annoyingly large amount of time, although not necessarily for more or less than five years, if at all an amount of time is specified.
Said partners tend to almost immediately wish to discuss marriage, children and growing old together, and are also very 'clingy' and choking. A common occurrence if it is one or both partner's first serious relationship, or if one or both parters are inexperienced in relationships.

Chris: Dude, my girlfriend's really choking me.
Graham: Why?
Chris: Ah she's started talking of marriage, kids, she wants to see me all the time...I think she's a five year plan girlfriend.

by Christopher John Scott August 29, 2006

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Chinese Five Star

When a female has a johnson in both hands, anus, vagina, and mouth.

Torri was chinese five starred last night!

by TonySpamoni23 November 5, 2012

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five nights at warios

a game based of fnaf that currently has 4 games starting in a factory where waluigi and wario went missing inside the factory then, mario and luigi went inside, went missing, and so did princess peach

have you played five nights at warios?

by gamerboi67 January 22, 2021

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five card draw

A form of poker where each player (typically 2-6 players per table) are each dealt five cards and try to make the best five card hand after discarding from none to all of their cards ans receiving new ones in their place. The action plays as follows:

-- All players throw in an ante before the cards are dealt.

-- The two players left of the Dealer Button throw in their Small Blind and Big Blind, respectively.

-- Five cards are dealt to each player.

-- Starting from the player to the left of the Big Blind, players may call, raise, or fold in turn until all action is complete.

-- The remaining players may then discards any number of cards (starting with the first remaining player to the left of the Dealer Button), from none of them (a "Stand Pat") to all of them.

-- Another betting round then occurs starting from the same player.

-- Assuming that at least two players are left by the end of the round, players reveal their hands in clockwise order starting from the leftmost player from the button (if there were no bets in the round), or from the last player to bet/raise in the round.

-- The player with the best five card hand wins the pot, and the process is continued for next hand.

Five Card Draw is commonly played as a Pot Limit or Limit game, but online No Limit games are also sometimes available.

Five Card Draw events in the World Series of Poker have diminished over the years, pushed out by the rising popularity of No Limit Texas Hold 'em and other such games as Omaha and Seven Card Stud.

"Five Card Draw is such an classic game, sometimes my family sits around the table and plays with nickels and dimes just for fun."

by Wilkin April 15, 2008

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The Five P's System

a secret that will be released sometime in the next decade. a few guys will be billionaires and famous. watch out for an iPhone app coming out soon too

How does that do in The Five P's System???

by snowmanitalianstallion March 7, 2011

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five pillars of islam

pilgrimage to Mecca

the five bases of the Islamic faith: shahada (confession of faith), salat (prayer), zakat (almsgiving), sawm (fasting, especially during the month of Ramadan), and hajj (the pilgrimage to Mecca) ::dictionary.com

five pillars of Islam consist of 5 factors believed by muslims in order to become a better person.

by howudoinn March 29, 2018

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