your local drug dealer or local mother fucker.
When you play by the book & obey every law 24/7 & never let small problems go away.
Bobby is a fucking loser with that Tight Hank Hill Ass!
Fuck him! His ass so tight his ass cheeks suck in his asshole like trying to pick up a cherry off the stool.
A place where you discuss about Brick-Hill related topics, but now it's just a place for retards to post off-topic bullshit.
In this day and age, Brick Hill Hub is just an off-topic wasteland.
A unincorporated TURD of a town located in Illinois between Montgomery & Oswego
No one wants to claim boulder hill(hood) because it is a giant turd.
when your in-laws, or your significant others' family are some of the most dysfunctional people around but your partner/significant other is completely normal. Taken from the movie Notting Hill and based on the parents of Hugh Grant's character.
man a) I just got married, but also have a big surprise along with the marriage
man's sister: what is it?
man: If you wanted to say that my wife doesn't love me, that's not it.
sister: Stop putting words in the horse's mouth
man (ignoring the interruption): Lol. i just found out I have Notting Hill In-laws. Mother-in-law is a recovering crack addict and and alcoholic, father-in-law has a criminal record for Bernie Madoff style fraud and has already served time and was released, one brother-in-law is currently in jail for helping smuggle illegal Mexican immigrants into The States. You get the picture. However, what is bizarre in all of this is that my wife has no addiction, no criminal record and is completely sane.
sister: Lol. Are you serious?
man: Dead serious.
NukeTown Gang Member also go by the NukeTownJay Numba 1 leader of the group the dangerous 4 of Georgia
Jeremiah Hill is a cool person in the rap community u should meet him
A hot music artist, he’s so fine. Fire starter is one of my favorite songs
“Omg have you seen sawyer hills new release it’s so good!”