Source Code

Nazi A.I.

Wait, no, did I say that write? Damnit! I hate not having access to this! You know I need to revise stuff sometimes and I don't get the chance. I'm like an actor that always uses the first take.

Hym "Okokok wait... So it sees people being CALLED a Nazi... Regardless of their race... LIKELY conservatives being called Nazi by liberals... A.I. sees this and thinks Black guy CALLED Nazi... Therefore, ANYONE can be Nazi... Therefore, Black Nazi A.I. generated pictures... Right? You get it. The input actually matches the output. HOW AM I THE FIRST PERSON TO FIGURE THIS OUT!? OH! Wait... Yeah, better and smarter than everyone."

by Hym Iam March 5, 2024

Vrchat Nazi

a man or woman who tries to police other avatar creators on, what they can and cannot do. Usually is a From scratch creator who looks down on others creators who do not optimize their avatars.

Guy1: Wow comfy cove just banned me.

Guy2: why?
Guy1: they banned me for using a head I made myself that looks close to tda. But I legit made it myself
Guy2: Wow WTF bro they are literally Vrchat nazis


Guy1: The guy told me to post topology of my avatar or im banned from his discord
Guy2: what a f**kn vrchat nazi dude.

That vrchat nazi banned me for missing links when I made the assets myself.

The Vrchat nazi told me I gotta post a video of me making the asset with the face cam turned on.

by Micheal Frank April 10, 2022

Nazi Tank

Elmo's Tesla Cybertruck

Space Karen Elon Musk is crazy in love with his new Nazi Tank, also known as the Cybertruck, which is a piece of shit on 3 wheels (the fourth fell off). riddled with bugs and deficiencies and ugly as dogshit, Apartheid Clyde's Nazi Tank—when not crashing into parked cars and medians—have accelerators that break and panels literally falling off.

by Uncle Joosie April 15, 2024

Nazi camp

A place where kids go to learn about all the fun stuff that goes on while being a nazi. The kid will learn about important stuff like shooting, executing Jews, and most importantly burning books.

Kyle: I’m going to nazi camp

Henry: oh I can’t go to that I’m Jewish

*10 weeks later*

Kyle: Henry get out of the attic

Henry: oh finally your back (gets shot)

by Shrekthicctho December 27, 2019

Smelly Nazi

when you getting sexy time with a girl and you take a rancid shit on her upper lip to make it resemble Hitlers mustache

damn that bitch was so had I had to whip out the smelly nazi

by xxlightskinbraceface April 22, 2021

Nazi Position

1) When you fuck someone in the shower and they pass out during climax
2) When you fuck someone with a gas mask

I fucked a girl in the nazi position last night, had to finish washing their hair

by UrbanMansig November 23, 2022

Grammar Nazi

The word Grammar Nazi actually has nothing to do with actual Nazis, the word is merely something you call someone when they correct your grammar too much or rudely.

(On a group chat)
StraightOuttaTiltedTowers: Yo sup bois wanna play some fortnite?
TheRealGrammarNazi: First off, you dont say yo, you say Hey. Second off its "Whats Up", and not "sup". And finally its "boys", not "bois". Wow, so many stupid people nowadays.
StraightOuttaTiltedTowers: Bro your such a grammar nazi this aint school no one wants to be corrected.

by TheDankerMemes November 3, 2018