Kodye's little circus clowns turned her garage into a complete shit show.
want to be disrespected? come work for 5 guys tv show behind the scenes = scooping shit for 12 hours straight, cow pies thrown in our faces every 5 mins, who wants raw chicken for lunch 2 hours late? our PAs rlly know how to get the job done growing up in meth labs makes the most skilled organizers, old janky vans… you bet! sick days are gonna cost you two weeks of pay taken from you. & boy does the boss lady rlly know how to shit all over you bc she dyes her hair with curry diarrhea. We all want some butt wipes but sometimes you just have to use your hand!!!!
wow crocodile dundee is new at this shit show, better roll some more poopy cigs!
want to be disrespected? come work for 5 guys tv show behind the scenes = scooping shit for 12 hours straight, cow pies thrown in our faces every 5 mins, who wants raw chicken for lunch 2 hours late? our PAs rlly know how to get the job done growing up in meth labs makes the most skilled organizers, old janky vans… you bet! sick days are gonna cost you two weeks of pay taken from you. & boy does the boss lady rlly know how to shit all over you bc she dyes her hair with curry diarrhea. We all want some butt wipes but sometimes you just have to use your hand!!!!
wow crocodile dundee is new at this shit show, better roll some more poopy cigs!
A television show you turn on for young children when you have to poop but can’t trust them not to burn down the house or kill each other without supervision. “Shitters” often spend the next 30 minutes sitting on the toilet wondering why they had kids in the first place.
The kids were being so bad I had to put on a shit show so I could poop in peace.
a meth head who makes meth by your creek
“damn you see that shit show”
Doing the same thing a fat goblin whore is doing but not getting a promotion you don't deserve for running a brothel.
All the child killer does in this shit show is work 3 hours a day and whore out her staff to one of the retards. I'm going to rape her favorite whore and stab her favorite retard.