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Nan hua high school

Nan hua high school is a school full of dirty minded people, especially in 2022 101 people. JOIN NCC YALL ITS SUPER FUN, ILL BE UR NCC SENIOR (currently sec 1 2022) JOIN NCC!! Okay, nan hua is an okay school with teachers that are okay, BUT THE CHINESE IS SUPER DIFFICULT, LIKE NORMAL CHINESE IS LIKE HIGHER CHINESE

“yo are u from nan hua high school
“Yeah, why”
y’all must be great in Chinese

by cheese bussy July 22, 2022

Reading schools

A ghetto school filled with ghetto people having ghetto fights and ghetto language.

Rachet skanks, poor school. Rude teachers And students!

They have no respect for nothing, they probably go to one of the reading schools.

by Black bitch 360 December 5, 2021

reading school

a school in reading that looks like a castle with a bunch of asian kids in it

I attend reading school

by iHateFurry October 22, 2023

werneth school

a place full of shit teachers and annoying yr7s that think they're on badness, never make the mistake my mum made sending me there.

what's the school w 2.7 ratings? werneth school.

by operationL June 22, 2023

Middle School

Honestly worse than high school. It is amazing that someone thought it was a good idea to put a bunch of incredibly insecure children into one building. If you’re really good friends with a kid who isn’t popular, you’d get bullied and will call you a faggot. If you’re an innocent, rather outgoing kid, chances are you will end up being an incredibly anti-social, insecure, timid teenager.

Middle school is so bad, almost everyone who went through it has had suicidal thoughts.

by jock jam door slam August 1, 2021

middle school

say they're a part of the lgbtq+ community to fit in

also banana = comedic value

middle school sucks

by chimimiin acto 4 December 13, 2021

Middle School

Legal torture full of a bunch of dumb jackass boys and dumb jackass girls who think they rule the fucking world. Then some dumb teacher gives you a test and you fail it and you die and then you don't do any HW cause your too busy playing video games, watching Netflix and then watching youtube. (LEGAL TORTURE)

Girl: Wait up! Does this make me look fat?
Me: No, you're fine *go away*
Girl: Ugh those boys are so dumb.
Me: silence *I hate Middle school*

by EveNing1000 June 1, 2018