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U‹Insert word(s)›BRO?

Basically a phrase meant to piss people off. If you think about it, many words can fit between "U" and "BRO?", with the most common outcome of "UMADBRO?", indeed one of the most annoying phrases in history. Women may be offended by this, most likely due because they are not male, however if you ask something like say "UMADSIS?" it just wouldn´t sound right. Be advised to use "BRO?" instead of "SIS?" to prevent yourself from looking like a total dickhead.

John smells something coming from the bathroom. He knocks on the door.

Sarah: I´ll be out in a minute!
Sarah: What the fuck?!

Mike: The only thing left to watch is Jersey Shore
John: Uh huh
Mike: I got to admit Pauly is cute

Liz: My dog died
John: Feel sorry for ya
Liz starts crying.

Try to make up your own combinations with U‹Insert word(s)›BRO?, but use it in appropiate situations, like the ones above.

by I´mYoGrandpaSoListenUp February 24, 2012

10👍 4👎

Sorry, we couldn't find: *insert word here*

Sorry, we couldn't find: *insert word here*. is an error message the displays upon typing a word that doesn't exist in the world of urban dictionary.

Per1 :hey urban dictionary what does ¤º♡%¥《 mean??¿
urban dictionary : Sorry, we couldn't find: *insert word here*

by Bruh sound #3 February 16, 2019

The *insert word/words hear* times

Used to refer to a past memory.

The phrase can be used with almost any word/words in the English language, and hundreds of words from various other languages.

The *insert word/words hear* times

Mary "Hey do you remember if you left your shoes on the boat yesterday arvo?"

Patrick - "You mean back in The 'boat' times?

by Ninjafleaslayer February 2, 2010

1👍 6👎

insert any word here...

Used in extremely awkward situation when you need ANYTHING to change the subject.

Julia's Boyfriend: "Have you kissed Julia yet?"
Julia's Crush: "insert any word here..."

by UnderziedPotato December 4, 2014

get your "insert word" mug or gator for your friend "insert name here"

something urban dictionary wants you to get

uraban dictionary: get your "insert word" mug or gator for your friend "insert name here"
everybody: no

by fumbling cow 9577 March 18, 2021

insert politically incorrect word here

Any word that might be considered offensive, politically incorrect, or triggering.

You can't say insert politically incorrect word here that's offensive.

by Lumlotus December 7, 2016

11👍 3👎

What the (Insert Non-Offensive Word Here)

A phrase used instead of what the fuck or what the hell when you are in the presence of an adult or little child who you dont want to hear you say fuck or hell etc.

Micaela: Aaron I hate you soooo much!

Little Kid Walks In

Aaron: What the (Insert Non-Offensive Word Here)!!!!!

by akararules July 1, 2010

72👍 3👎