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A handheld console, sequel to the DSi that allows you to watch videos or play games in 3D. Unfortunately, regular DS games cannot be played in 3D.

The 3Ds just came out nearly a year ago, so it doesn't have at least 400 3Ds games. Some may think the 3D option is magnificent, while others will think the 3D is bad for their eyes.

Thus, a Sony Employee sued the 3Ds over the 3D screen. Since the 3Ds was not selling well, Nintendo decided to lower the outrageous price of $249.99 USD to $179.99 USD. Nintendo noticed how the sales increased.

The 3Ds also remade quite a few Nintendo 64 games, such as OOT and Star Fox 64. However, some gamers do not find this appealing. "Sure, the 3Ds made some classics, but nobody wants to play a 10 year old game," They said.

Gamer1: Hey, what's that?
Gamer2: It just came out! It's called the 3Ds!
Gamer1: 3Ds? Does that mean it plays 3D?
Gamer2: Yep! It's so awesome!
Gamer1: Hey, I'm gonna go buy one!

by Nitestormer December 29, 2011

30๐Ÿ‘ 22๐Ÿ‘Ž


Short for 3-Demensional, meaning an object has 3 demensions.

Wow, that cude is 3D.

by SmartGuy January 30, 2003

52๐Ÿ‘ 60๐Ÿ‘Ž


3d is an abbreviation for dare-devil dodge.

It means to dodge at the last possible moment - commonly within a hack-and-slash.

Usually a player will 3d for style points, or for a mechanical benefit as in Bayonetta with Witch Time

Mate if you wanna rack up that score you've gotta 3d. Only scrubs dodge immediately!

by Pompadour Pug May 17, 2018

3๐Ÿ‘ 1๐Ÿ‘Ž


Three Deep in the Sheets. Getting two girls on each side of you in the bed.

Yodel! I just got woke up after getting 3DS with two skeezers from Club CoConuts last night. I love my life.

by MrShasta July 21, 2010

80๐Ÿ‘ 100๐Ÿ‘Ž


The Counter-strike clan that is the best, Yep, they are. I don't play for them really, but I watch them on hltv. they are good. Probably better than epar.

zEx vs 3D IRC bot in #team3d

by [3D]-Levine`Torbull July 17, 2003

61๐Ÿ‘ 82๐Ÿ‘Ž


some shit energy drink that the hy-vee down the road sells and that will immediately, no matter the place or time, triggers acid reflux and burns a hole in your throat

you may say "oh, you drink monster, so you have no say" and to that i say that you drink 3D, an objectivly worse, shittier and down right poisonous "eNeRgY dRiNk" that does nothing but give you the push that an anorexic grandma would, and gives me the push to finally stop calling the wee woo wagon when i overdose on monster unleaded

by monster juice addict June 15, 2021


3D (n.) A word sometimes used in reference to the internet.

How "internet" became 3D:

First, some intellectuals said, "let's call the internet the World Wide Web, because it sounds cooler and can be shortened to WWW." and the World Wide Web and WWW was born.

Next, some people said "WWW (doubleyou doubleyou doubleyou) is too hard to say in normal conversation, and Heaven forbid we should be reduced to using 'World Wide Web' 'cause acronyms are just cooler. Let's shorten it to dub-dub-dub which can stand for WWW" and Dub-Dub-Dub was born.

Once AOLers were introduced to dub-dub-dub, they said "dub-dub-dub takes too long to type out in IRC where we like to ruin our social lives in l33t style. Let's make it an acronym so that we can say things like 'WTF? u on teh DDD? omg, u r teh ROXORZ LOL!'" and DDD was born.

Then the n00bs said something to the effect of, "W7F? 73H UB3R DDD H45 N0 NUMB3R5 1N 17!!!11!!1 137S M4K3 17 3D 1N5734D!!1!1!!" and 3D was born.

dude, you know that one site on teh 3d? they just like stopped or somethin, that one other site musta hurt their ratings.

by Cunjo October 12, 2004

22๐Ÿ‘ 34๐Ÿ‘Ž