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A school providing its students with some of the most amazing opportunities in one of the world's greatests citys. Critics would be quick to examine themselves first before decrying the university for its shortcomings.

Hey look at me, I went to NYU and employment wasn't handed to me on a silver platter after I graduated, it must be the school's fault.

Hey look, I worked hard for four years in the media capital of the world, now I'm on an awesome career track. Yay for me.

by ben October 26, 2004

524πŸ‘ 339πŸ‘Ž


nyuusu, nyusu, nyus, nyu-su, nyu-s, new-s, new's, nyΕ«su, nΓΌsu or whatever stylized word which coresponding to a Japanese ”ニγƒ₯ース” (sounds new-s, not newz) refers to a buy-us kind material shown on Japanese media that looks like "news", so naturally, should not be confused with news articles.

Tokyo Olimpick 2020-2022 will be opening whatever may be falling!
isnt that a last years nyus recap?

by Tokyo20=21 July 8, 2021

5πŸ‘ 1πŸ‘Ž


NIgga you ugly

NYU bich

by Heeelloo October 4, 2018

8πŸ‘ 4πŸ‘Ž


The biggest scam in the world. A school where you break the bank attending one semester when most NYC locals know damn well that Baruch College is just down the street and can land you a great job anywhere for 1/10 of the price

John chose to go to Baruch over NYU for his business degree because he realized he could get an apartment and go to school dirt cheap rather than spend 70k a year on tuition and live on the streets of Greenwich Village.

by Goatsecx luver July 15, 2023

7πŸ‘ 1πŸ‘Ž


Now You're Unemployed

The most overrated school ever

90= percentage of tisch graduates who are now unemployed

75= percentage of stern graduates who are now unemployed

100= percentage of NYU graduates who cannot calculate percentages

by Don't forget the hot sauce chulo November 6, 2003

323πŸ‘ 672πŸ‘Ž


A place where kids from the northeast go when they get rejected from Columbia. They then tend to resign themselves to their fate and subsequently try to convince themselves and anyone else stupid enough to listen that its actually as good if not better than Columbia or anywhere else.

Student 1: where do you go to school?
Student 2: Columbia.
Student 1: Really, I go to NYU, we just got ranked in the top ten in US News and World Report's Best Colleges!!! Pretty good, huh??
Student 2: Yeah, I guess.....
Student 1: You think I can get into Columbia grad school?

by blister August 23, 2007

222πŸ‘ 458πŸ‘Ž


New York University- A massively overrated school that everyone wants to go to. Most of these kids come from suburbs and don't know any other universities in NYC.

Rather than doing some research on other great schools in the area (i.e. Fordham University, Columbia University) they all want to go to NYU because they "love New York".

Also, they probably know nothing about NYC, and believe that Manhattan is NYC, completely forgetting that there are 4 OTHER BOROUGHS.

Dumbass: "omgz I'm gunna apply to NYU. I luv new yorx!!1!1"

well-read intellectual at Columbia: "oh nice...so how do you like the village?"

dumbass: "omgz i luv new yorx bcuz it's awsumz...wutz the village?" *Takes C train to Brooklyn*

by Erg45 August 29, 2009

177πŸ‘ 386πŸ‘Ž