b1 squad is on top. Official Founder OBS Slams used to DDoS now is learning other stuff. He created b1 squad at 2018 and has been on top since then so many squads tried to go against us failed. WE ARE ON TOP B1 SQUAD
Official Founders socials @obsslams on instagram!
b1 is on top best squad in the com / b1 Squad
Babe1 and Babe 2, B1 being your actual Girlfriend/Boyfriend and B2 being the "other" person in your twisted life.
B1 and B2 are the 2 Ladies in my life man. I can call on em both whenever i need so "shit"
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g6 is defined as the coolest badedst mofo funniest guy any girl cud ask for. a g6 is a guy who always cares for his friends nd will garntie a smile on ur face. a g6 is a crazy asss guy. b1 is deffined as loud preety girls who are funny ass hell.so the defintionon forG6/B1 is a a pair of two best friends who are ultimaly the bestttt mofos in the world.g6s alwayss tend to overprotect thier b1 like hes an older bro but tat just shows tat he cares nd wudnt want shyt happening 2 b1 lke some1 raping her or causing her emotinal dammmage.
person 1: eyyy who are those two pple?
person 2: dude tats g6/b1
person 1:what the f** is tat?
person 2: tats the best type of friends anybody can ask for
person 1: dammm i wishh i had a best friend like they do
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Characters from bananas in pajamas, a kid's television program aired in Australia.
Educational and entertaining at the same time and follows the adventures of two inseparable bananas clad in blue and white pin striped PJs.
Great program teaching children about everyday life. Those two bananas are meant to be together B1 & B2
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Stupid, inept, unable to think. similar usage to 747.
This is originally a medical term taken from MDS Assessments. Question B1 is "Comatose" and an answer of 1 would indicate "yes".
Person 1 does or says something stupid
Person 2: oh god, you see that?
Person 3: yeah, B1=1.
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The official symbol for B1 (Black First). You just form a lowercase b with one hand, while holding up one finger with the other hand.
"The Wakanda Forever pose is out, now the B1 Hand Symbol is in".
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