Source Code


In Mexican pornography, the phrase most often used is "¡Sí, Más!"

¡Sí, Más! = Yes, More!

Not to be confused with CMOS; which is an acronym used in the field of electronics.

CMOS = Complimentary-Symmetry Metal Oxide Semiconductor.

Mexican porn dialogue: "¡Sí, Más!"

Electronics Enthusiasts as an audiance: "Wow!--They're practicing on CMOS circuitry!"

Background Laughter: "LOL"

by The Dirtbag November 8, 2013

4👍 3👎


An emo girl/boy that is cute.

I saw a cmo at the club last night.

by frankie Hankie December 31, 2008

7👍 17👎


Continuous Multiple Orgasms . A state which can be achieved whereby a woman has orgasm after orgasm until she becomes exhausted and dehydrated , but very very happy . It's not just any man which can provide this , and it takes patience , trust , and a desire to please a woman . For her part , the woman has to learn to let go .

When he said he was a CMO instructor , I had no idea what he meant . OH MY GOD !!! I didn't know it was even possible .

by toonice May 23, 2014

2👍 2👎


( certified members only )young fly niggas from cleveland

dem cmo boyz get money fr

by certiboyz March 15, 2022


An inferior good, enjoys sniffing other people’s farts, boner, will occasionally say something clever

That there? Oh yea that’s one of those cmo’s 😬

by McGangBang1856 December 19, 2019


catch me on

“don’t use insta anymore, cmo snap

by 6ea June 1, 2022


Cut me off

I want to text him but he cmo”

by flontana May 9, 2020