Source Code

Agent 03

A wattpad story of dnf(dreamnotfound), which will leave you in literal tears. in the story dream has to kill george but he falls madly in love

dnf shipper 1: have you read agent 03?
dnf shipper 2: yeah it was so sad i cried.
dnf shipper 1: tell nick i said hi.
Both: *crying*

by kirstensalbqrt on tiktok January 6, 2021

9πŸ‘ 9πŸ‘Ž

03 Breezy

If your friend calls himself 03 Breezy he really knows his shit. His street cred is off the chart, and all the ladies go to him.In seconds they are ready to spring into action to those attacking his friends.

Wassup 03 breezy
UK me chillin

by 03 Breezy himslef6 October 27, 2019


A prominent trap lord located in Houston, who is known for his hit song BANGER and HOMEBOI. He is also known for being a "playboy".

Jayyy: Ayo Shantrice, you see 03 CMAC.

Shantrice: Hell yeah! He was lookin hella fine in those shorts.

by SArchas September 16, 2019


if you have a digital clock and you look at it when it says 1:03 the 1 looks like eyesbrows, the dots are eyes, the 0 is a mouth, and the 3 is 3 dicks...so its kinda like a blowjob

Yea..i seen two guys last night and they were deff gay cause i seen some 1:03

by Bre1231 January 19, 2008

19πŸ‘ 27πŸ‘Ž

Boner Jams '03

Pornographic genius made infamous in the 40-Year-Old Virgin by Paul Rudd's character, Dave. According to "Dave," it is a compilation video tape of all the best boner scenes from the summer of 2003. Usually watched in conjunction with Harry Twatter and School Of Cock.

Dave: "Here it is-- Boner Jams '03. Its a mixtape of all my favorite boner scenes in the summer of 2003."

by N.J. Walz January 8, 2006

709πŸ‘ 134πŸ‘Ž

Fukouna Shoujo 03

A disturbing gif where a 2D pixel anime girl is in a machine where she is being restrained by a machine and flayed alive. It’s really disturbing.

β€œBro have you seen that Fukouna Shoujo 03 gif?”
β€œYeah bro it’s disturbing”

by women> May 16, 2022

8πŸ‘ 1πŸ‘Ž


A phenomenal day in which popular COD streamer Brenton Tarrant did an IRL airsoft stream in New Zealand.

Dwight_LOL: 03/15/2019 is the most amazing date in history, thanks for changing everything Brenton!

by chief_hates_em March 20, 2021

8πŸ‘ 1πŸ‘Ž