100 Gecs is an American musical duo consisting of Dylan Brady and Laura Les. They each grew up in suburban St. Louis and met in high school before starting to collaborate in 2015.They are also the best band ever...well in my opinion they are sometimes attacked by lil' piss babies they think their so fucking cool they think their so fucking tough they talk a lotta big game for someone with such a small truck.
Hey dude are you Listening too 100 Gecs?
Dude: yeah
100 Gecs is AMAZING
11👍 9👎
100 Gecs is a shitty band that depressed 14 year old pussy E-BOYS listen to because they have nothing better to listen to.
They're infamous for heavy usage of sound correction and autotune. You might think these fucks make ironic songs to make fun of autotune (which isn't really that terrible if used lightly) and that their songs are a joke in some way,
Oh, their songs and career are a joke, but not that kind of joke. They're sadly spreading and making a comeback, please refrain from listening to them ever.
Person 1: Hey bro, What are you listening to?
Person 2: It's nothing
Person 1: Let me hear... What the fuck is this bullshit
Person 2: It's 100 gecs, it makes me feel happy in this world, I'm lonely and depressed
Person 1: Your only world is your room
24👍 89👎
I love 100 Gecs dude
I found cp in ur hard drive u goin to jail gecgecvecgeveg