You have reached ultimate boredom, and it is crucial for you to see a medical professional immediately.
I typed `1234567890-=/*-qwertyuiop\789+asdfghjkl;'456+zxcvbnm,./1230..0321/.,mnbvcxz+654';lkjhgfdsa+987\poiuytrewq-*/=-0987654321`~!@#$%^&*()_+/*-QWERTYUIOP{}|789+ASDFGHJKL:"456+ZXCVBNM<>?1230..0321?><MNBVCXZ+654":LKJHGFDSA+987|}{POIUYTREWQ-*/+_)(*&^%$#@!~ after having a crap ton of homework
17👍 13👎
`1234567890-=-+qwertyuiop\789asdfghjkl;'456zxcvbnmm,./1230. is when you are fucking bored and you type all the keys on the keyboard
John : Hi im soo bored
Kayla: Ok idc
Jhon : `1234567890-=-+qwertyuiop\789asdfghjkl;'456zxcvbnmm,./1230.
Well done, you are now officially 'The God Of Getting Bored'. You have successfully typed literally everything possible on a keyboard. Good job...
Bob: I am bored.
Me: Type "`1234567890-=/*-qwertyuiop\789+asdfghjkl;'456+zxcvbnm,./1230.~!@#$%^&*()_+/*-QWERTYUIOP{}|+ASDFGHJKL:"+ZXCVBNM<>?" in your keyboard.
Bob: ...
3👍 1👎