Source Code


A perfect score in bowling.

A bowler can only reach 300 if he/she bowls a strike every time up.

by Diggity Monkeez May 21, 2005

91๐Ÿ‘ 70๐Ÿ‘Ž


To yell a loud word or phrase, in context, and kick someone down stairs or off some kind of edge.

Mary: I want to break up with you
John: YOU...ARE...A...WHORE! *kick*
Phil: Dude...did you just 300 Mary down the stairs?
John: YES...I...300ed...HER! *kick*

by Kommander_K August 23, 2008

31๐Ÿ‘ 27๐Ÿ‘Ž


1. When you run around half naked kicking people in the chest and/or pushing elephants off of cliffs, often stopping to gaze with awe upon trees with people nailed to them.

2. A movie in which this happened, but it's more impressive if you run around and do it with your friends.

3. A line of rifles made by Z-M weapons.

4. A Number. Oh shit!

1. "Fuck yea, let's go 300 up the zoo."

2. "Are you kidding me? 300 sucked baby dick!"

3. "Good sir, I will pop a cap in your ass with my LR 300-ML-N."

4. "There must be at least 300 beaners standing around looking for jobs here!"

by RaawB June 6, 2007

45๐Ÿ‘ 47๐Ÿ‘Ž


A non-history based (but yet amazing) movie about the battle of Thermopylae based on Frank Miller's graphic novel. The trailer of which made every man on the planet between the ages of 15 and 55 literally shit his pants with excitement.

Dude, when I saw the trailer for 300 I inexpicably shit my pants... It was awesome!

by Hobo King February 12, 2007

20๐Ÿ‘ 18๐Ÿ‘Ž


1. The number following 299, and preceding 301

2. An award-winning graphic novel depicting the Battle of Thermopylae by Frank Miller, inspired by the movie The 300 Spartans. It's first issue was published in May 1998.

3. A movie based on the graphic novel by Frank Miller, highly praised but often criticized for it's historical inaccuracy by people that fail to realize that it's a movie based off of a comic book, which was in turn based off of another movie, and NOT a documentary.

4. A perfect score in bowling.

1. ...298, 299, 300,...

2. "I read Frank Miller's 300 yesterday, it's truly a masterpiece."

3. Person 1: "Hey, did you go see the new movie, 300?"
Person 2: "Yeah, it was terrible. There was almost no
historical accuracy. The fighting styles were wrong, the
armor was wrong, and the numbers were wrong."
Person 1: "No shit, sherlock. It's a movie, not a

4. Person 1: "I bowled a 300 today!"
Person 2: "That's amazing! You should go pro."

by Morrauk March 27, 2007

26๐Ÿ‘ 33๐Ÿ‘Ž


A movie that is actually quite lame, with absolutely nothing groundbreaking about it (it is actually very regressive and reactionary in many ways). By calling a few slo-mo scenes coupled with zooms "groundbreaking" is only indicative of the intellectual bankrupcy of todays sheeple. BTW, it is NOT AT ALL the "very definition of manhood" and men who have half an intelligence would not look up to such moldy and ancient archetypes of "manhood". If so many men weren't such dupes, they would be very very happy that this is no longer what makes a man. A man today can be much more than just some deluded military cog.

300 is an irrelevent film that feeds violent,negative impulses to a population of lost, identity stricken males in a time when such beligerent behaviour only causes sadness, tragedy, and destruction to a high degree (i.e. recent school shootings at Virginia Tech. Nobody wants to see this shit anymore.

by shealee April 16, 2007

78๐Ÿ‘ 128๐Ÿ‘Ž


1.One of the best action movies of all time

2.A movie that makes you want to go fuck shit up!

3.A movie that is for men and not so much women and the only men that dont like it are little boys that got picked on

Wow, after watching 300 i want to go mess someone up!

by C dawg5437 August 11, 2007

21๐Ÿ‘ 37๐Ÿ‘Ž