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40 oz toilet

A 40oz bottle of beer that's used to urinate in.

He took a piss in that 40 oz toilet and his girlfriend drink out of it thinking it was beer.

by PEA DRINKER April 14, 2010

6πŸ‘ 4πŸ‘Ž

40 oz express

a tit, specifically the one who pounds the skins. 40 oz express is an absent minded professor of the kit, and lives constanly in the shadow of his counterpart and mentor, johnny alternative. Has been known to drink excessively and the term lorry was born during one of his drinking binges.

40: "have you seen my keys, I can't find them"
Johnny: "no, I haven't. where are you going?"
40: "I have to go to Fox's. I think I left my wallet in there, but I can't find my keys"
Johnny: "Ha Ha Ha. You lost your keys, now you can't go look for your lost wallet. what a dick"
40: "You better shut the fuck up, or I'm going to lorry you.

by Max Powers January 24, 2004

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40 oz

For pussies, its a drink, for ballers, its my average re-up on whatever you WANT!

β€œImma roll my the liquor store and get a 40 oz”
β€œNah man imma go get my plug!β€œ

by Doomsday9989 November 2, 2020

40 oz to freedom

No canadian's gonna spell reggae that wrong and get away with it, go hunt a moose or something

Anyways, 40 oz to freedom is a banger song and album by sublime. One of my favorite songs on the album is their rendition of Scarlet Begonias.

Guy 1: "LMAO I just saw a canadian guy spell reggae completely wrong!"
Guy 2: "That's fuckin' hilarious bro! Let's get stoned and listen to 40 oz to freedom!"

by Dr. John J. J. Schmidt, PhD January 9, 2023