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50k chase

Verbalase is a rapper that makes animated videos of characters beatboxing.

In 2024 he spent 50k on a personal animation of hazbin hotel character Charlie chasing him and slowly doing more that I will not specify.

The video was made allegedly by a 15 year old but really another report it was made by a group of animators

Later Verbalase begged his audience as he became in bankruptcy

Now he still makes videos but his channel has been declining

“Bro spent 50k on this (thing showing Charlie chasing Verbalase in a game or other thing like some sort of game or art peice showing 50k chase)”

Verbalses 50k chase

by Okamiito defines March 24, 2024


50k is a group of young turnt individuals

Have you seen Zeusuave or 50kag or 50klos
new instagram post , there so turnt

by 50k Members Only January 16, 2024


What the youtuber " Verbalase" apparently spent on to get chased by Charlie Morningstar from Hazbin Hotel

Friend 1: Hey dude did you see that 50K video?
Friend 2: Yeah it was fucking insane pal!

by FedericotheBear23 June 21, 2024


verbalase gooner from outerspace

hey verbalase where did the 50k dollars go

verbalase who spent 50k on softcore porn of charlie from hazbin hotel molesting him:

by Flour_The_Flowey January 18, 2024