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Dumb Broad Awareness Day

December 22nd- On this day dumb broads pick up a book and learn something so they can stop being so fucking dumb.

Hey Luke did you know its Dumb Broad Awareness Day?

by smart broad December 22, 2020

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Dumb Broad Awareness Day

December 22nd- A day where dumb broad pick up a book and learn something for once. So they can stop being so fuckin dumb.

Hey Luke did you know itโ€™s Dumb Broad Awareness Day?

Oh no! We better go give Emily a book so she can fucking learn!

by smart broad December 22, 2020

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October 19, kick a national dumb ass day

Kick any dumb ass you know

October 19, kick a national dumb ass day

by Momo356323 October 18, 2019

Hop on A Dumb Day

Common slang used by ADD players to request rough, hardcore intercourse together.

Hey, hop on A Dumb Day?

by SocialKredit November 24, 2021

Dumb hos these days....

A phrase that is used when a person, a girl in particular, does something stupid or offensive.

Matt: Dude, Krissy just told me off for yelling at her friend. She didn't have anything to do with that!
Jonny: I know dude! Dumb hos these days....

by That One Guy With The Face1135 April 14, 2011

national dumb bitch day

the day to celebrate the one dumb bitch that we all hate, on his/her/their special day

โ€œhey stacy congrats!โ€
โ€œfor what!โ€
โ€œitโ€™s national dumb bitch day! weโ€™re celebrating you!โ€

by katie.batie August 13, 2024

national dumb bitch day

a day to celebrate that one dumb bitch we all know and hate. a day to celebrate them!

โ€œstacy weโ€™re here to celebrate you!โ€
โ€œitโ€™s national dumb bitch day!โ€

by katie.batie August 13, 2024