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Under the influence of marijuana. Everything seems to slow down, and become better. Music seems much better, and you seem to understand it more. While high people may experience enhanced creativity and artistic skills. A high individual can still function, however he/she will not be crisp. Some people are able to drive as good as normal, because they are aware of the imparement, and are able to control themselves. A high can last from 40 minutes to several hours, depending on the quality, strain, and method of smoking(pipe, joint, blunt, bong, blades, lungs etc.) New users may experience a bad high, panic attacks, very red eyes, and coughing their heads off.

I got so high today, I felt like I was on a boat.

by Spliffy LongBlunt June 28, 2006

884👍 345👎


being high is probably one of the funnest things you can do. you simply cannot deny that if you smoke. if you don’t smoke, don’t continue to read this. you will not comprehend anything you are about to read.

when you are high, your life becomes so much more vulnerable to fun and excitement, the littlest things become too entertaining to describe.

t.v. is always so much more entertaining when under the influence of marijuana; for example:

music videos always seem SO much more amazing.

random, annoying t.v. shows that normally seem irritating and scripted, such as maury or jerry springer, all of a sudden seem SO enthralling and intense.

you also discover what shows and movies were written by people whom were high.

every show has someone who 'looks like someone you know'.

you discover that a black women's restriction to beating their boyfriend’s ass is to bounce their knees up and down on their chair real quick and bob their head around a lot and swear and wave their arms. they also repeat sentences or numerous words over and over again. like, 'oh you already know, you already know'.

background music in commercials are incredibly fun to dance to. it all sounds like techno for some reason.

shows like family guy and movies like half baked finally make SO much sense. matter of fact, so does a lot of other things.

eating is always much more pleasurable,
every food seems exotic and foreign in taste.

eating seems to bring down your high though, and makes it seem much shorter. you may discover not eating makes your high seem SO much longer.

you consume things you normally never would have, and wonder how you lived without it.

every food you can't stop eating is automatically you're legit 'munchie food'

you recall past memories from your childhood that you hadn't thought about in years.

you know you're high when you do random little jigs to yourself.

houses you’ve rarely been in are especially fun when you’re high.

almost everyone goes through the ‘laughing fit’, where you laugh so hard over absolutely nothing that your insides are completely sore. this is rare after a long time of smoking, though.

an intense feeling of confusion inserts into your brain and you find simple things like rainfall to be ridiculously hard to understand and interesting.

being your complete self doesn't seem that hard to do anymore.

there’s almost always a permanent smile on your face, it’s hard to make it go away, even while your preparing the 4 bags of tostitos to make nachos for 2.

you have consistent 'revelations' and try your hardest to explain what you found out.

everyone, and everyTHING, you see, ‘knows’ you’re high, from your younger brother who walked by and said ‘what’s up’ to the squirrel you had to pass by on the way back inside.

you spray every febreeze, axe can, and perfume bottle you see on everyone and everything you feel smoke smell is evaporating off of.

not a lot seems to be bothering you anymore, and tomorrow seems light-years away. you just want to live for the moment.

insignificant, diminutive noises, such as birds chirping, seem very loud and unnoticed before that very moment.

when you are high, music sounds overall godlike.

parts or solo's in songs occur, but you've never once heard of them before. being high made you listen.

dancing comes as natural as breathing.

strobe lights/and or black lights always enhance your dancing mood.

be careful when amongst parents or other weed-hating people, it may be very obvious you are under the influence of such grand highness. your eyes will be very glossy, almost looking like that of a doll. they are also slightly tinted red, a dead give away. not to mention how tired and squinty they will be. the smell of weed smoke doesn’t last as long as that of a cigarette’s, but it is still always good to spray and maybe use a few eye drops.

most common terms for weed consist of:
and obviously plenty of others

remember, this fascinating plant came from this earth, and it’d be a tragedy to waste it’s valuable recourses.

blaze on!

i just picked up mad bud, let's go smoke a bowl & get high!

by cindyyyy69 February 15, 2008

512👍 195👎


There are many different kinds of highs. I am high right now and this high is just from a couple hits out of a piece. A nice relaxing high that is easy to control and easy to get away with. For me the BEST kind of high is when you smoke 5+ bowls and you can't even remember your name, how to write, spell, or anything.

WARNING: Don't smoke too much before school! Or you're screwed. One time I couldn't remember how to write and I couldn't read. I would read a sentence and no matter how hard I tried I couldn't remember it right after I read it.

Hokay now another high. An amazing high. Shrooms. The best high of my life. I smoked too, though. But about an hour after the shrooms kicked in. For me when I smoked with it I didn't get paranoid at all and it made it a much more relaxing trip! And I wasn't in the best environment either. In fact it was the worst possible environment I could've been in. Srsly. Some catholic girl's birthday party with a bunch of 'straight edge' goodie goodie kids. (I didn't know it was going to be that kind of party)

anyways... yea for shrooms it's a completely different high than from pot. When they first kick in you start 'realizing' everything a lot more. You think about stuff a lot more. And then A LOT more if you smoke too. Seriously my friends called me a philosopher(sp.?) cause I kept on talking about what I was thinking. It was intense stuff, too. So have a pen and paper handy if you do them. Cause i can't remember what I thought of.

Now there's ecstasy. At the moment of the high it is the most AMAZING feeling in the world. You're the happiest you've ever been. You could hug your worst enemy and you could talk for hours on end. And when you smoke it makes it an even stronger high. You're in the best mood of your life and the come down begins to start once you realize that you want to always be that happy. When I'm on the come down I honestly don't know if the trip is worth it. But then the last time I rolled I had the worst come down. The time before that I wasn't that bad. Be with friends if you take E. Music is AMAZING. Oh and you lose your appetite. Even if you smoke too. Plan on being not hungry for a couple of days. Food wont look good. Oh but eat ice cream! It's the one food that I can eat easily after taking E. Maybe a shake would be good. You get really thirsty during the trip. So have water. And try not to grind your teeth too much. I've never had a problem with that, though. Oh and if you have a phone you're probably gonna call or text all of your friends telling them how much you miss them and that you want to hang out with them more. And don't watch a movie or T.V. while on it either. Trust me, just don't.

Of course there are other drugs, but I think those are the ones most commonly done and other stimulants it's pretty much the same as ecstasy, and acid is pretty much the same as shrooms. I like shrooms better. Just sayin. And they all have different varieties of high. And even with smoking weed there are different levels of a high. After smoking a couple times you will realize this. And there are different highs for different kinds of weed/ shrooms/ e. So you could possibly get a different high almost every time you do whatever :

high, i'm sierraaaaaaaaa

by i<3greens April 13, 2008

67👍 21👎


Getting high, getting high with friends

“Yo We highing rn”
“Dont disturb me when im highing”

by Siryazi December 27, 2019

13👍 2👎


Hard to describe, but basically the feelings that you get after smoking a whole load of weed. After the first few J's you get a bit light-headed and if you keep smoking then everything can seem absoluteley hilarious and set yuo laughing for a good ten minutes, especially funny shit on TV, or funny words like 'Gognay'.
After the giggles stage you get unbelievably lazy and physically cant move off the sofa, unless you have the munchies as well when you go and demolish the whole cupboard full of food. When you're high music and film can seem to have a deeper relevance and more meaning to you. You can also spend ages looking at nothing in particular and getting forgetful and confused, which is hilarious. After that inevitably come sleep usually, and you spin out when you put your head down, I also get real paranoid sometimes. SO basically thats what being high is and its fuckin great to be honest. beats getting pissed anyday.

I was so high that I tried to walk up the stairs and ended up going out of the front door.

"Tilly Toom Tong?! Who the fuck is Tilly Toom Tong?"

by gognay May 9, 2005

1732👍 711👎


the definition of high- why, i am right now.
everything seems amazing. you laugh at the most pointless things and feel like you're floating. high is eating a sour starburst and thinking of how its like a waterfall of starbursts. high is when you feel as though your fingers are dancing across the keyboard; that spongebob is the best television show of all time. so if you are reading this and do not know what i'm talking about--get alotta weed and something to smoke it with and have yourself a great time.

High- what every songwriter in the 60's got.

by xxheyxx December 13, 2008

35👍 9👎


After inhaling the cannabis, you will feel somewhat fuzzy, like your body is outlined with a tingly sensation. Once this occurs you know you are only beginning to feel the high. After many more tokes, you will say to yourself: "Yes, I am getting higher and higher." When it all sets in and you've become "stoned" your eyes begin to become squinty and dry. The world now, may look like a skipping movie, or it may seem as if you are watching your own life on television. When someone's talking it is also normal to actually hear the words 2-3 seconds after they have said it. Eventually you may think of random funny moments in your life, and begin to laugh out loud for an unnecessary amount of time. And of course the people your with will say, "haha your really high aren't you?" And you think yes, yes i am (but you just laugh instead of saying yes). The conversations that you hear when you are high will have much more meaning than when you are sober and maybe even a little confusing. If you think of a story to tell and forget what you were going to say to everyone don't be surprised- for everyone has surely done this. Once you forget you will try to remember your story for about 15 minutes (or 1 minute but it'll seem like 15) and you'll realize that it is honestly impossible to recall it from your memory at the moment. So, instead, you continue watching TV. When you are watching TV or video games ect, it may be too much to bare. Two minute commercials will last about 10 minutes each in the state that you are in. And during video games your eyeballs are too slow to follow the people running/fighting. When you are high, I've experienced anyways that you talk to yourself in your head a lot more. You may be talking to yourself and realize how stupid your thoughts and comments are, and thank yourself that you didn't say any of that shit out loud. Tripping, and a loss of coordination is also a side effect. You may experience jerkier movements. "The munchies" is the best side effect. During this stage I believe that your stomach goes numb because no matter how much you eat it seems to never get enough. Your mouth begins to water and every bite tastes like the first and everything you eat seems five times better. It seems like you're not eating that much at the time, but when you think back, you ate a lot! Then eventually you say alright that's enough food I guess I don't want to weigh 400 lbs tomorrow. Usually after the eating stage, you will begin to feel tired or your eyelids feel as if they weigh 5 pounds each and you absolutely must close them. Yes, if feels so good! Once this happens you are down for the count, and will eventually pass out and you will have the best sleep of your life.

If you haven't been high, I HIGHLY recommend it.

by Toni44 July 30, 2007

321👍 124👎