When you barely spell barely correctly. It is the state of being unable to type well.
A term used to describe either a win so powerful or a super embarrassing moment that only internet sensation A Bad Reference could pull off.
Person 1: "I just bought a PS5 controller, but I don't own a single console.."
Person 2: "That's a certified ABR Moment."
When bottoms go to the gay bar you know they ABR or they are in a relationship.
abr is a group that you should join
mine own fellow abr we art gath'r'd h're to bray out the unity and salvation yond our covenant bringeth f'rth to all of us as broth'rs
"Always Be Ready"
Some dumb shit redneck trumpets came up with to rattle the impending ending of their freedoms or some shit
"ABR bro" "Did you forget to get the extra cans of beans for the doomsday bunker"
"Nah bro I got the AR-15 instead, fuk yeaaaa"
to short-re compress ' ABBR '
abbreviated: read for mne ' or ni'
mnemonics abr " ABBR '
Abr: .n -- ave be roo en hav wholly