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AP European History

A class that a high school student will take in hopes of trying to gain college credit. However, once taking the class, the student will realize the hell hole and shit storm of pain that they're engaged in and will probably just pass the class time trying to sleep.

Student 1: Dude what time did you go to bed last night?

Student 2: Damn man it was like 3. I had to finish my lit paper.

Student 1: Oh dang man that sucks I bet you're tired.

Student 2: Yeah but it's okay, I've got AP European History class next

by Marcus_Fenix May 7, 2009

45๐Ÿ‘ 19๐Ÿ‘Ž

AP European History

a class that a few, very stupid, people will take in their sophomore year of high school. supposovly college level... i doubt even college students know this much about history.

pure hell during the year but its not impossible to do well. 3 hours a weekend doing the assignments and ur good.

as for the ap test. study early and watch the people around u crack when they realize the test is tomorrow. hehe

overall, learn a hell of a lot of shit u will never lose but... if ur ever transported back to the french revolution, you will know exactly what will happen, and what people to avoid.

a: so u taking ap european history next year?
b: what u kidding me, i have a life !
a: yea, but i think imma try for the credit
b: good luck to you.

by i think i did well... May 24, 2009

51๐Ÿ‘ 23๐Ÿ‘Ž

AP European History

The greatest class ever invented in the history of mankind. Even though it is really hard, no other class will teach you more about politics, economics, religion, and obviously history.

AP European History, when taught by an intelligent and unbiased teacher, opens up an entire new world of debate and personal enrichment.

by Mr. Fitz rules September 8, 2006

385๐Ÿ‘ 336๐Ÿ‘Ž

AP European History

You have to be manly to take this class. I got A's each trimester in that class, u jelly? <trollface>

Covers European history (duh) from 1450 (approximate date of invention of the printing press by Johannes Gutenberg) to the present day. While it is true that it is hard, use your document analysis skills you picked up in the class for DBQs and realize that the definitions on UD are kind of biased. This is an excellent class that make you supes smart.

The AP exam begins with a multiple choice section consisting of 80 questions; now if you get one wrong, you DO NOT get penalized (yeah!). This is hard, but it gets even harder. The writing section consists of a DBQ (document based question) and two FRQs (free response question). Your writing hand will probably throb after this test.

Jimmy took AP European History and learned about socialism; he decided that everyone should share this knowledge. But in application that doesn't really work, now does it? ;)

by AidanVonBismarck June 5, 2011

19๐Ÿ‘ 16๐Ÿ‘Ž

AP European History

A great class, depending on your teacher. It's not that hard as long as you pay attention and think critically. I'm about to take my test on Friday and I am scared. BUT if you don't study... you will get an F and wonder why, and no one in the class will have sympathy for you because they're all either upperclassmen or geniuses.

The Mormons and Asians in my AP European History made fun of me when I told them that I failed the test last week.

by Garth Funker May 6, 2010

35๐Ÿ‘ 36๐Ÿ‘Ž

AP European History

Ok honestly, this is one of the best classes I have ever taken! I'm not even kidding, if you have a great teacher, you will do great in the class. I'm not denying that it is a difficult course, because it is, and it is a lot of work...but that's because it is and AP class!!!! If you are not an honors/AP student, then you shouldn't sign up for it in the first place, so of course it would be hard. If you sign up for an AP class, expect an AP level class...it's really not that difficult to process through your mind. Basically, this is a great class, but don't take it and expect a walk in the park, it is an AP class after all :)

LOVE AP European History, I'm so glad I took it!
AP Euro at my school has generally always scored very high on the AP exam, so you just need a great teacher and determined students!

by donthateonapeuro April 10, 2011

39๐Ÿ‘ 51๐Ÿ‘Ž

ap european history

a fuck-all hard class. taken by sophmores, usually ap virgins, who are about to get metaphorically ass-raped to stretch their asshole to the size of goatse. generally possible to BS with a lot of patience, the ap exam can be passed without learning much in the entire class. what little you did learn, you will forget over the summer. god forbid kagan wrote your ap euro book.

"Hehe, someone crossed out 'a hero' and wrote 'an hero' in my ap eurpean history book. I spent so much time laughing I couldn't concentrate on the rest of the chapter. fuck."
"Because of ap european history, I know that 'defenestration' means 'getting thrown out of the window.'"
"Why does the ap european history teacher use 'we' when talking about herself?"

by sp33chy November 16, 2009

234๐Ÿ‘ 35๐Ÿ‘Ž