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AP World History

1. An impossible class that results in sleepless nights, ruined GPAs, failing grades. Death. But it will teach you more about history, economics, culture, social hiearchy, politics and you guessed it ... history than any other class - if u make it out alive. Usually taken by sophomores who don't know how hard AP classes are, but honestly the first AP is always hell so it's usually better just to get it over with. Also the exam is much easier than the class.

Grade in Class: C
Grade on AP World History Exam: 5

by Trinu October 14, 2006

898๐Ÿ‘ 124๐Ÿ‘Ž

Ap world history

to anyone who says this class is easy if you put time into it, from the rest of us normal sophmores: FUCK YOU. this class takes up at least 2 hours every other night. In those hours, you will be piled with HW up your ass non stop. and just when think you know the material when studying for the test, she hands back a goddamned C for all your hard work, blood and tears. this class will take time from all your other damn classes.

sincerely frustrated classmate

jack: hey wats your hardest class?

Mary: oh, there was this one that made me stay up every night b/c ms. mcbitch wont stop assigning hw
jack:...Ap world history?
mary: (sigh) Ap world history

by definitioncontrol October 31, 2014

51๐Ÿ‘ 8๐Ÿ‘Ž

AP World History

A class specifically designed to kill students. Those brave enough to venture into this class will face uncountable sleepless nights and extreme cramping of the hands. Please keep in mind that upon entering this class it will be impossible to keep a job, have friends, or do the homework of any other class unless your day consists of more than 24 hours. Also, if you do not listen to my warnings at least keep Tylonel on hand at all times because you will have a headache everyday.

Please Note:
Although the material in this class which is covered is sometimes interesting it is not worth the amount of work.

Student 1: "Want to go out somewhere tonight"
Student 2: "Yes, but I can't because Ms. Walker, my AP World History teacher, gave us 100 words to define and two essays for homework so I can't"

by A_Stranger May 3, 2010

319๐Ÿ‘ 73๐Ÿ‘Ž

AP World Student

A student, usually a freshman or sophomore, who rose to the challenge, clearly not aware of what the hell they got themselves into. They were normal, fun-loving kids before the flames of AP World scorched them. They now have no lives, read the textbook constantly, endure constant yelling, and suffer grades of C's and C-pluses only to receive 5's on the AP test. Their report cards often consist of straight A's, other than the AP World History grade. A group of AP World Students may be referred to as "Worlders", and resemble a cult.

Person A: Wow, we never hang out with him anymore, what happened?
Person B: Oh, he was really cool before, but then he became an AP World Student.

by banana22 April 9, 2009

153๐Ÿ‘ 34๐Ÿ‘Ž

AP World History

A ridiculously hard class that will result in sleep deprivation, all nighters, the reading of an entire textbook, the complete usage of at leas two packs of pens, two three inch binders of notes, and a new perspective on the world if you get a good teacher. If you play any sort of sport, your entire life for that year will consist of that sport and world history, forget about friends, sleep, sometimes food and even other classes. Going to sleep past twelve every night will be normal and you will begin to think that eleven on a school night is early.The AP credit is not worth the time and effort that you will put into the class to pass, I do not care how motivated or "smart" you are, you can get the same perspective in a regular class without the price you pay, do not make the mistake others have before you.

Friend: hey what did you do last night
You: I stayed up till two finishing my AP World History study guide after the game
F: Dang, good thing I don't play soccer because I only stayed up to twelve
Y:Lucky! you actually got 6 hours of sleep?
F:Yeah dude, I feel like i slept for a day

by Soccer10 March 21, 2013

97๐Ÿ‘ 23๐Ÿ‘Ž

AP World History

The biggest and best way to obtain an express pass to crippling depression in your mid teenage years. Your life will never be the same, however, you have a new standard of pain.

Jimmy took AP World History and he has never been the same.

by meatrocket69420666 February 11, 2020

AP World History

A ridiculously hard class that you have to endure lack of sleep, shitty grades, and a teacher that gives you notes and notecards expecting you to write at a college level... Even though your only a SOPHMORE!! More often than note these teachers have issues with people having any type of fun (yes even sleep) and think that the definition of Ap World History on urban dictionary is funny. DO NOT TAKE THIS CLASS!!!

Mrs.Skavarla Is A Horrible AP World History Teacher -_-

by DOWORK! February 14, 2013

86๐Ÿ‘ 35๐Ÿ‘Ž