The part of the human psyche believed to help with feelings or premonitions that one is about to fall prey to a trap.
My wife asked me if I had a nice time at my Inlaws and my inner-Ackbar told me to change the subject.
a sexual prank used while in the doggie-position. Man on man, girl on girl, man on girl, girl on man, whosoever is taking the other from behind announces before ejaculation "the Death Star is fully operational!" to this the receiver turns around and says "WHAAATTT?" only to be greeted by a "ITS A TRAP!" and a face full of creamy ejaculate (basically the "Admiral Ackbar" in the situation facials the chick)
Creamer yelled "ITS A TRAP" right before he creampied the girls face and completed "The Admiral Ackbar"
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The two words you *don't* want to start hearing while you're riding on a bus, train or airplane.
Mohammed started to chant "Allah Ackbar!" as he pulled on the detonation cord on his suicide belt
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Allahu ackbar (God is great) is a Islamic term used when in religious practice or terrorism. "Allβ’aβ’hu ackβ’bar". This term is used in the Middle East, and joked about in America ("vine" especially)
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one of the best characters in the original star wars trilogy. He saved the galaxy.
"ITS A TRAP!" this is said by admiral ackbar, but his greatest line was "Be smart, Be victorius!" or "RUN FOR YOUR LIVES WE ARE ALL GOING TO DIE"
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When you see an Islamic Terrorist yell, "Allah Ackbar" run.
Islamic: Whistling*
American: Sup'
Islamic: Ψ§ΩΩΩ Ψ£ΩΨ¨Ψ± (Allah Ackbar)
American: *American has reached the other side of the world* he is now safe and sound
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Admiral Ackbar's cousin...for some reason his name is printed on the Iraqi flag.
Have you seen Allah Ackbar around? That cracker owes me money
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