A cool dog who likes anime and sucks at everything else( jk dude itβs a joke)
Evan Aguilar: a cool kid who likes anime and gaming and is good at school
raymond aguilar is the most awsome friend, he is funny and is always making people laugh, he may get in trouble sometimes, but its all for other peoples entertainment.
Raymond Aguilar is like my friend.
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"oh you're down for the pound?"-person A
"yup...I'm Matt Aguilar"-Matt Aguilar
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#cutiedavid #david
damn dude u look so cute
that kid is a david aguilar
singer who popularized Estudyante Blues (Student Blues)
Someone (typically a teenager but can also apply to older people) who whines about the mundane school life or household chores
A: Aarrghh.. too many assignments this is torture!!
B: There you go again, Freddie Aguilar!
A gayass motherfucker who will make you laugh so hard you pee your pants
Rocker Aguilar you gayass motherfucker!
a retard faggot kid who spends all his time on xbox live and has life may also be know as a.a.
man dude in never see jeramey
your right he such an A.A.
man get alife and qiut being a andrew aguilar
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