when someone's giving you bullshit but you just don't care
Me: "tov ahi"
One of the last things children say online during a fucking stroke, while foaming all over their 80$ keyboard. Also know as a child's last insignificant cry for help on ROBLOX.
Larry: AhI@!H23$SW*(EQ
Brandon: You having a stroke buddy?
5👍 2👎
ractically loves Snowflaking, she's too emotional, and doesn't know how to handle love, my advice is she should stop sugarcoating her feelings and embrace love a second time. That way she can be happy always & forever.
Oh is that Ahi's soulmate,
- yeah he's so handsome & patient.
Oh yeah I think so.
School for the sexiest of Jewish girls. They hu with over 100 boys in middle school. They reject all the nasty Jewish boys like Yma and ykt boys .after ahi ezer they move on to bnot Rachel to be bigger hoes They are the absolute legends of Brooklyn
Who’s that little girl U hu with
Oh ya that ahi ezer girl
"Que ondas ahi" which translates to "what is going on here". This saying is used when there is an awkward moment between you and someone else.
Her dad made a joke about her mom's new haircut, but she wasn't amused. "Que ondas ahi" she said aloud to break the silence.