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Arkansas Airbrush

ahr-kuh n-saw air-bruhsh

When someone (man or woman) is receiving oral pleasure and passes gas in the face of the person giving them said oral pleasure.

Guy 1: So, what happened with you and Jill last night?
Guy 2: She was blowing me and I gave her an Arkansas Airbrush by accident. She was cool with it though and finished me off anyway.

by geesmith May 29, 2015

Airbrushed their Boxers

to fart

Who airbrushed their boxers? It smells like rotten eggs!

by Daizero March 15, 2018

Airbrush effect

What happens when a person with bad vision forgets their contacts or glasses. Every person seems very attractive no matter what they look like. Any girl looks airbrushed or perfect like a model

Austin- how about that girl over there? She seems hot.

Jeff- nope, it's just the airbrush effect again.

Walker- ya, she's like a 2/10 you need your contacts

by Man-Wh0re April 24, 2012

1👍 1👎

Picnik Airbrush Whore

When picnik, a photo-editing program became free to everyone, some people 'airbrush' their faces to a point you can't tell its them. This is mostly done with girls that are self-conscious and have many pimples.

Person 1: Wow! I never realized what a clear complexion Steph and Mackenzie have!

Person 2: No, they are just Picnik Airbrush Whores, in real life they have many pimples

by Realniggawassup........ February 12, 2012


When a girl farts while she’s on her period and things get messy.

airbrushed, airbrushing

Holy crap, Karen just airbrushed and needs to get a change of pants.

by King_of_BVP June 19, 2020