euphemism for the word 'cunt'. In football, must be punished with a red card.
Wow, you're such a Callum Aitken
Arthur McKay and Christian aitkens are brothers
Arthur mckay Christian aitkens are in love with each other, their blood brothers, leave them be, can't stop their feelings, hope they marry secretly
adjective; beautiful and intelligent, practicaly a goddess of every thing
she is so Annabel-Aitken its hard to imagine!
Christian aitkens likes to let druggy homeless men fuck him under bridges, he's always walking around looking to let one have his way
Oh look it's Christian aitkens gay for homeless
getting railed under the bridge by that dirty bum
being quirky and so silly all the time, Sarah is a crazy girl who has crazy different personalities that is what makes her so quirky, she can be nice but sometimes shes angry and yells at bitches we all love Sarah she is so quirky that she stands up for what's
right, she is such a quirky, crazy, silly girl
have you seen Sarah Aitken today she is sooo quirky