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Makes you laugh when your crying. You laugh with her as soon as she starts laughing. Will sing anime OPS with you. An Alexandra is either super funny or mad never in between. Usually has a lot of brake downs. And is super clumsy. Zones out a lot. Couldn’t dance even if her life depended on it except fir anime dances. Gets obsessed with things easily and gets mad when u touch her stuffed animals

Alexandra needs help but never shows it.

by Kittyg0regirl February 4, 2021

40👍 2👎


The most caring and thoughtful person you will ever meet. She can be full of happiness but will never show it. She loves to read and is a beautiful person. You will be happy to have her as a friend.

I love Alexandra? She is so nice!!!

by Sister from another mister 0.2 January 23, 2021


An amazing girl. She is awesome, funny, and super nice. She is stunning ! She is amazing at tennis! She is tall, skinny, has gorgeous hair, and has really pretty brown eyes. She is really smart and always there for you when ever you need her. She is really trust worthy and loyal. She knows how to make you smile when your having a bad day. She is perfect in every single way <3

Person 1 " Who is that girl"
Person 2 " Its alexandra!"

by Anon Hater February 10, 2014

105👍 16👎


Alexandra is a girl with a amazing body, she had alot of potention and alot of dreams, She’s a wide dreamer not affraid of dreaming big but is affraid of taking big steps, Becouse she feels like she isnt good enough all tough you see something different, she’s a girl with a strong personality, someone that wont just sit there and let you talk bad about her, she comes up for herself and helps people who need helping, Even tough she knows some people will stab her in the back for it, alexandra is a caring person, she wont just sit there and do nothing, she’ll help you with what your going trough and will put her own problems aside just to help you going forward, not caring about if she goes under for it, alexandra is a person who will give everything for another, but is still affraid to take that big step, to her big dreams, so if you ever meet a alexandra, stick onto her, and help her achieve her dream just as she helped you. Alexandra is also kind, She’s one of those people who greet others on the street, she also had alot of friends, and when she’s with her friends her lovely dorky side comes up. Even when alexandra hurts you or leaves you broken, she’ll never actually leaves, she’ll always stick with you even tough you try so hard to push her away, and she’s also.. extreamly hard to get

Alexandra is perfect

by Clexa_au_33 January 5, 2020

42👍 3👎


The most beautiful woman you will have ever see in your life. She is shy and quiet when you meet her but get to know her she is is crazy. She is the sweetest girl in the world with the best sense of humor. The best person to go to for advice, a hug and a laugh. She is completely worth getting to know and just the best person on this earth.

My best friend's name is Alexandra. Isn't she great?

by Pearl Krabs November 28, 2011

2166👍 505👎


A best friend. She may be hard to understand at first, but once you take the time to get to know her she will always be a person you turn to. Her greatest achomplishment in life is living, as far as she knows, and to others it is her greatest achomplishment too, because if she wasn't living they would have never met her. She loves the attention of boys and is always caught flirting even when she simply thinks of that boy as a friend. She has a memory like no other and tell her your birthday once and she will be wishing you a happy birthday until you die. She has a pashion for singing and her beauty always finds a way to shine through. She always goes by Alex but when introducing herself she always calls herself Alexandra.

Boy: Who is that girl over there?

Girl: Oh thats Alexandra

by missmiss May 25, 2013

97👍 20👎


Alex is the nicest girl that you will every meet she's nice, funny, cute, trust worthy, and an all around amazing person. she has all the guys look twice and she's super loyal to her relationship partner and worth all your time if you are dating an Alex hold her close and don't ever let go she is the best thing that will ever happen to you. so don't treat her like trash treat her like a queen better yet a goddess don't let her go because if you do you'll regret it for the rest of your life.

Whos that football player dating?

Yo I think he's with that Alex girl

Aw man bro she's so lucky like damn I dated her once it didn't last long I broke up with her and ive cried every night since.

Alexandra means beautiful and lucky

by shepstone005 September 14, 2019

25👍 2👎