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The Arabic word for God. Used by Christian Arabs as well as Muslim and Jewish Arabs. Not exclusive to any religion in the same way that the English word "God" is not exclusively used by any religion.

The first sentence of the bible, Genesis 1:1 "First God made heaven & earth". In the Arabic bible the same thing is mentioned with God replaced by its Arabic translation, Allah.

by Student T July 30, 2005

1106๐Ÿ‘ 1653๐Ÿ‘Ž


The Arabic word for God. Not only the Islamic God, but any God.

Oh Allah help me.

by niggardly666 June 15, 2017

718๐Ÿ‘ 1180๐Ÿ‘Ž


the Almighty one, He created all the living things in the whole universe. Allah is the only place we seek for help and forgiveness. From Allah we live, to Allah we belong. Islam is perfect

Ya Allah, forgive all my sins and help me. Guide me to the right path ya Allah. Laillahailallah muhammadarrasulullah, Allahuakbar

by Imtherealestaf December 27, 2017

291๐Ÿ‘ 529๐Ÿ‘Ž


Really, many people claim that Allah is just an Arabian term for God. Actually, it is. But it's not that simple, see? The dictionaries are all about different meanings. So: Common meaning in this time in non-arabic countries is that it reffers to the Moslim God, who IS different - at least the moslim's view is really different from Christians' and Jews'! Christians believe, that Jesus is God, Jews don't take Him at all, Moslims don't take him as God but just as one of the prophets. So - the Christians' God is not the same as Moslims' - He is Jesus, who sacrificed and resurrected - I am not Jew but I think their view of God is really different, too.

Allah! What I've done to deserve this?

by Leilita September 6, 2008

787๐Ÿ‘ 1339๐Ÿ‘Ž


'The mighty god who (according to the muslims) Created all the universe. Maybe you've been wondering about suicide bombers. Yes they shout "Allah akbah!!!" before they blow up. They saying something like; "i am willing to die for Allah" crazy huh?

"Allah is like a father to us all"

to the person who stated this, Allah-o-Akbar actually means "god is great".

And those extremists are not true Muslims. They think they are but they actually distort the concept of Islam to suit their own selfish reasons. Mullahs, or extremists, hate non-muslims, and therefore try to use Islam as an excuse for violence. Islam actually means "Peace", or "Submission to Allah", and is a religon of tolerance.

'If Allah is the creator of all... then why does he create bombs that fall on our houses?'

Incase this genius hasn't noticed,MAN invented bombs and other weopans of torture. Allah created life, the universe, and all the creatures that inhabit this world and maybe other worlds. He created heaven and hell, angels and jinns. And if you believe this philosophy, it could also be said that any other monotheistic religon such as Christianity and Judaism could ALSO be blamed for bombs. But they aren't. Because for one it isn't true. And secondly they don't face the same severe stereotypes and racism.

"In the Name of Allah, Most Gracious, Most Merciful". A phrase used in a number of contexts by Muslims. It is recited several times as part of Muslim daily prayers, and it is usually the first phrase in the preamble of the constitutions of Islamic countries.
Both a greeting and a word of leave meaning "May Allah protect you" used by Muslims. Just like people say hi/bye.

by tiadalmation July 13, 2006

511๐Ÿ‘ 1148๐Ÿ‘Ž


Christian call God and we muslim call Allah because we believe that Allah is One! there is neither plural nor feminine or masculine. and why do we muslim call Him Allah but not God because there is faminie to God which is Godess and even plural to God which is Godess. We even dont prefer Lord because this word can also be used in plural sense which is Lords. where as Allah has no such issue. Simple!
2ndly there is no such thing that when people call Allah it means bomb blast LOL i wonder how can people interpret it like this.

I believe in Allah

by Rambail May 12, 2011

383๐Ÿ‘ 902๐Ÿ‘Ž


Allah is the word god in arabic and is the god for the muslims

There is no God other than Allah

by Ellis Bell - Emily Bronte January 16, 2019

105๐Ÿ‘ 294๐Ÿ‘Ž