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The swaggiest man in the universe. If you mess with him his swagger will penetrate you from behind like a silly goose. If he says your cool you should pray to your lord and savior cathulu and thank your mom for creating you.

Andres is always in ur mom... even though you don't know it

by Swagman 420 December 16, 2016

25๐Ÿ‘ 4๐Ÿ‘Ž


A person who has a lot of charm and can get the freaks in the sheets. A Andres can make a chick have a eye-rolling orgasms with hardly any effort. Dick size is usually 9-12 inches. Andres can last a lot of time in sex and his pull-out game is really fucking good.

Andres gave me some good hard dick and I loved it.
Andres gave me a orgasm with his finger.
Andres makes me wett.

by xelcabrondelosangelesx March 9, 2018

119๐Ÿ‘ 29๐Ÿ‘Ž


Heโ€™s a big 5โ€™5 Mexican with glasses the cock the size of the Eiffel Tower, heโ€™s handsome, hot and he can take all your bitches in a heart beat and literally smart, athletic, strong, sexy if you ever meet a Andres keep him forever heโ€™s loyal, and can be very charming and funny and the ass the size of the fucking moon no other way to explain ot

(Me) Iโ€™m a Andres
(Them) let me have you
Me(me) gladly

by Smart mexican July 6, 2022

18๐Ÿ‘ 3๐Ÿ‘Ž


Andres are people who will always have your back unless they deem the situation not worth the risk. So if you have an Andres and you are trying to do something risky with a %50 chance of getting caught, don't expect them to be sticking around. Andres are also people who are willing to try almost everything, but depending on your kind of Andres they might not do something involving heights.

Andres are very observant, they analyze extensively and can make quick decisions in intense situations.

Don't mess with an Andres, they can appear sweet and sincere to an innocent bystander creating a ruckus but the next minute all hell can break loose.

Andres are brilliant even when they don't believe it, they have a million things to say but are resigned to their own thoughts, so if you get one talking be prepared for a long yet stimulating conversation.

Andres love their family, we are talking love as in 'die for' love. Not to mention when they are in love with someone, now thats a beautiful thing to behold. Andres are devoted and caring lovers, they always seek to improve for their lovers and try their best to satisfy and appreciate their partner. Though they are perfect in their lovers eyes they feel the need to be better, which isn't a negative mind set but it means their lover will be telling them they are perfectly Andres enough for them.

"That guy is such an Andres."
"Why do you say that?"
"He's so amazing! that's why!"

"Andres really had my back last night."
"why what happened?"
"He told me to stop being a fucking idiot and I listened!"

by The leaping snail January 3, 2017

45๐Ÿ‘ 10๐Ÿ‘Ž


A super hot guy who enjoys all kinds of humor. He is seen as weird but once you get to meet him, he's someone you'll never want to lose. He loves boobs more than ass and is down for anything intimate with the right girl at the right time. He also loves PDA (public displays of affection) and hates it when girls don't enjoy cuddling or kissing. He is very quick to say I love you because he truly catches feeling quickly and cares for that person and makes them a priority. He's also one of the funniest and outgoing people you will ever meet. He isn't afraid to say he has feelings for someone or give people compliments even when they have a rough past between them. All in all he's a great guy and you will be extremely lucky to find a Andres.

Omg he's such an Andres of a person!
I would love to date Andres!
Andres is so funny!
All I want to do is cuddle and hug someone like Andres.

by The hottest guy you know March 16, 2017

29๐Ÿ‘ 5๐Ÿ‘Ž


Andres is the guy that every girl would want to date but he chooses the one with a personality he doesnโ€™t care what you look like (well maybe a little bit) he is very athletic and he plays soccer he is very good at it. He is kind and generous and damn does he look good! He can speak Spanish fluently and heโ€™s from Ecuador. He is a little bit dirty minded but I donโ€™t mind. I love him so much he doesnโ€™t even know.

Fred:look at that Andres kid play soccer
Bri: I know he looks hella good

by Anyemojifreak August 29, 2018

10๐Ÿ‘ 3๐Ÿ‘Ž


A good Andres is a rare type. He's very popular yet very secluded and has few close friends that he is very open to. He likes everyone and is disliked by almost none and rarely turns down a favor. An Andres is not always hot but is always attractive, mainly for his quiet coolness and his looks. All girls want him. Andresโ€™s are athletic, cautiosly dangerous, and funny. Those lucky enough to date Andres will be the happiest girl ever. He's always faithful, kind, amazing in bed (or wherever you want him) because he's a sex god, and is intensely caring. He still owns a part of every girl he's been with. If Andres is you're friend, he will always be. Andres is always up for anything and loves to be constantly active. He has his moments of being a dick but apologises and forgives. He gets into crazy situations but gets out without a scratch and stays calm. He's almost always got a plan and is great at on-the-spot thinking. He's very smart but not in a nerd way and is very good at everything he does yet doesn't often admit his talents. He's got great taste in music and dresses differently but its still cool. He's always full throttle until he feels like crashing, then he will sleep where he falls. Andres doesn't care what people think of him because he and everyone that knows him knows he is immortal and godlike but rarely looks down on others. That's because Andres is a god and is the most awesome person you can ever have the honour of meeting and is unforgettable.

Guy1: So i hear Andresโ€™s coming tonight. Guy2: Seriously!! Well I'll be there then. That guy is awesome! Andres: Whats up? Of coarse i'll be there. ( Random girl faints in the background)

by emmadave July 8, 2018

9๐Ÿ‘ 2๐Ÿ‘Ž