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An Antoine is an unusual species, who loves a cheeky hard thing in his mouth occasionally when he is feeling in the right mood. He normally rocks a pair of glasses with his swag. He doesn't care what is sucking on his nob as long as it feels nice.

When your mate gets with anything. "You're such an Antoine!"

by wowimsuperdooooopercoolio December 14, 2017

10๐Ÿ‘ 39๐Ÿ‘Ž


A boring coward and bore face who likes Santa Claus Conquers The Martians, if you ever meet one of these, watch their shit movies with them and then break their computers, which they look at dead memes on, stupid Antoines, no offence to Antoines, Heinrichs are so much better.

Antoine is such an Antoine

by Ya Friend November 9, 2019

5๐Ÿ‘ 18๐Ÿ‘Ž


(noun) the French variant of Anthony. This name is popular amongst the Irish folk. antoine is blessed with exceptionally good looks and regarded to as the finest looking male to walk the planet. he is of mixed european background giving him the charm and attractiveness of a Celtic God and the humility of a saint. an antoine is tall in stature with stunning features and a muscular physique to reflect their inner and physical strength. Their eyes are mesmerizing as are their smiles, both are usually accompanied with a genuine concern for the well being of individuals he comes into contact with. women are captivated by his charm, masculine grace and incredible charisma. he is a respected man and is philosophical, sophisticated, motivated and self-disciplined. With great dreams, his ambition will see him through all is wishes. he is a warm person, approachable and is the life of the party. he serves as an excellent friend and being a placid being, he enjoys a peaceful lifestyle. A fashionable person who is a role model to the younger generations and truly a leader. an Antoine has the ability to mesmerize the people in an instant and a sheer glance he is able to read their deepest thoughts. Antoines are extremely lovable and their presence is enchanting, more than frequently, they are missed when they are not in your company. A burning desire wells to be in his presence. He is excellent lover, the finest and they are irreplaceable to their girlfriends.

A passionately romantic lover, he fulfills all the desires of his lover and is able to connect on an emotional and physical level with her.He reads he body, mind and spirit and knows exactly how to pleasure her with his allure and passion. He is sensual and irresistible. To be in an Antoine's arms is a fulfilled wish and ignited desire.A passionately romantic lover, he fulfills all the desires of his lover and is able to connect on an emotional and physical level with her. He reads her body, mind and spirit and knows exactly how to pleasure her with his allure and passion. He is sensual and irresistible. To be in an Antoine's arms is a fulfilled wish and ignited desire.

antoine is the ultimate creation... an irreplaceable piece of your heart

by background_Antoine July 4, 2010

396๐Ÿ‘ 113๐Ÿ‘Ž


The coolest guy in

Antoin is cool

by Bob Bob don April 21, 2016

19๐Ÿ‘ 14๐Ÿ‘Ž


When someone unexpectedly breaks and enters and sleeps or attempts to sleep in your bed you have been "antoined."

All of a sudden in my sleep I felt a hand on my hip and realized I was getting "antoined.

by shimmerandshine229 December 19, 2010

6๐Ÿ‘ 4๐Ÿ‘Ž


someone who is kind loving towards all who deserve it

loves nature can be wild and outgoing.

damn antoine is a black tarzan

by crawfoyd28 July 24, 2019

3๐Ÿ‘ 2๐Ÿ‘Ž

pierre antoine

The most amazing man ever!

Also someone beautiful, clever , funny , and more...

" he was perfect as a Pierre Antoine "

by cecilececile June 6, 2017