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Antonio browned

The act of getting Spartan kicked or drop kicked by someone to the ground at full force.

Bob: this girls tits were popping out of class today bro!
Max: pics or it didn't happen
Bob: If I took a picture she would've Antonio browned me!

by Saints4life September 8, 2014

The Antonio Brown

When your girl is watching bible study videos, so you sneak behind her, vigorously masterbate and blow a huge load on her back.

My girl wasn’t givin’ me any unless I watched bible videos with her, so I hit her with The Antonio Brown

by fftbrando September 12, 2019

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antonio brown

The black guy that looks scrawny but in reality will carve you up in a couple clean lines.

The little white boy tried to fuck with Antonio Brown and died.


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The Antonio brown

The A.B. or The Antonio brown.... when you turn on the gospel channel then call your girlfriend in the room... While her back is turned to you watching the television you ejaculate onto her back as she runs out of the room pissed off you take her favorite piece of furniture and throw it out your window onto the street below....

Kyles girlfriend was being a cunt... So he gave her The Antonio brown to straighten her out...

by Tls9211 September 11, 2019

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Antonio Browned

Jerking off until completion on someone's back without their knowledge or consent.

I Antonio Browned my personal trainer last night!!! She was fucking PISSED.

by Gonzy42 September 11, 2019

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Antonio Browning

Throwing away my future.

Fuck it, I’m Antonio Browning it.

by Pdiaz January 3, 2022

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Antonio Browning

The act of 'fucking up' your way to the top of an organization.

Despite sexually harassing Becky in accounting and messing up the last two major projects he was on (costing the company millions), Jack somehow still got a major promotion. Jack is Antonio Browning his way through life.

by RegD432 October 25, 2020

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