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April 22nd

The birthday of the worlds best leopard gecko ever: Apricot/April B-T

Oh look itโ€™s april 22nd! aprils birthday!

by parma-vio April 13, 2022

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April 22nd

anyone who is born on this day will forever be a baby.

person 1 - my birthday is april 22nd
person 2- omg lol ur such a little feetus,

by okgenxer December 10, 2019

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April 22nd

Go hug a ferret day

April 22nd: Go hug a day
S: So?
K:*Steals ferret and hugs it*

by Tee Hee UwU Love you December 3, 2019

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April 22nd

It is arianeโ€™s birthday

Arianes birthday is on the 22nd of april. April 22nd is arianes birthday

by Jsjakskss April 22, 2018

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april 22nd

national get with your crush day

i gotchu famโ™กโ™ก

(my bday april 22nd so "just like that come my way")

dude 1 "bro its april 22nd"
dudett 1"waittttttt nooo ohh shitttt"
dude 2 "AYyEEE"

by ur FBI agent September 15, 2020

april 22nd

HEARTSTOPPER DAY !!!!!! heartstopper will be out on netflix april 22nd

someone: why are you so excited about april 22nd ?
me: cause that's when heartstopper comes out

by taoscatbean April 20, 2022

april 22nd

BTS Jung hoseok aka j-hope appreciation day he is a very underrated idol so april 22nd is jhope appreciation day <33

april 22nd? jhope appreciation day ofc๐Ÿ’•๐Ÿ’•

by yoongisrat August 26, 2021

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