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An Ashi is beautiful, smart and hot often brown girl. Most of the time, they have large expressive eyes. She has many admirers falling for her but most of the time she doesnt know that. She is shy on the outside but when you get to know her she is a outgoing, fun and lovely person to be around. Most Ashi's are meant for brown guys, tall and handsome. An Ashi would be generally paired up with a brown Justin.

Guy 1: Did u see that girl?

Guy2: Yea, the one with the big ass? Yea shes an Ashi for sure.

GUY 1: Damn, I need a girl like that.

Guy 2: She's mine! All mine!!!! I wont share.

(Guy 2 runs after Ashi and her big ass, she agrees to go out with him and they run off to the horizon together. Big asses and all!)

by SEXY101 May 15, 2013

149👍 31👎


Skin so dry that it looks grey...like ashes.

Hey girl, you got some lotion? I'm all ashy.

by Amy July 24, 2003

840👍 236👎


Pouring larger in to an ash tray, preferably from an ash tray from a bar/club which has been used by a minimum of 18 people for roughly 4 hours and then drinking the larger from the ash tray. The experience can be enhanced from leaving ciggerete ends in the ash tray whilst drinking.


‘Ere, want an ashie bey

‘You’re turn for an ashie mate’

Jolive, ashie then next pub mate?’

by Thompsonjt01 June 3, 2018


dry skin

Damn girl your legs are looking ashy

by L and V October 11, 2002

493👍 234👎


princess, sexy, cute, funny, adorable, girly, loves to laugh, loves to have fun, doesn't like haters, all around cutest girl ever! :)

there are no examples, only 1 ashie

by Annonymous101 May 3, 2005

121👍 55👎


An Ashie is a wild but brave beast, they are what you call a goat.

Goddamn it, Carl, there's another Ashie out in the fucking field again!

by AshieIsTrashie April 12, 2019


Ashi is the potato god

She also is the best and is smart and beautiful

Not to mention hes a god at art

They also have a giant crush on kaoru

mary : ashi is the best

tina: ikr i wish i was as talented as them

kaoru: hello ashi!
ashi: *dies*

by Wissals bestie July 16, 2021

7👍 2👎